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Zeplin u weag dog

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About Zeplin u weag dog

Roat Pkz Information

  • Roat Pkz Username
    Hit Me Pussy

Zeplin u weag dog's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Gahaha libble zeblin ukno no1 tage u serioubsly u last lige 2 days den u go little bit mia lige u end ub in hosbital coma hhh
  2. Gello goiuse Im gana dell u y I make Deeze Topic kk =-P I bk at 44s etc I slab beoble ukno so they blame "rng" =-S But oubusly Im jus 2 gucci pker ukno lige dey cant keep ub wib mine hands =-O Den I rematch same berson lige 10x times and I geep slabbing them ukno they then start to liddle bitt flame me obuvusly begouse they angry =-D Den I offer them ukno come ::egdevill hills, but dey Stay dere for lige 30mins ukno lige no bbl last on deeze serber ukno =-J Y bbl pipe up den dey end up dead or offline ukno wdf? =-C Bce out #Lemon Rabbitnser24
  3. Jblind u the big fish in a small pond teach me yo ways =-P
  4. R0flr0flf0rlf0rlf0rlf dumb doge zoge boge u fink i off even tho u guitt? Hhhh no wonder u skibb days
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