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Everything posted by rolforion

  1. Nice vid and sickest kill on me. 80 on a veng jheez. Died to 85 before when venged against George X D. Risking pays off you could say
  2. Wait I don't understand the reason behind the post? Unless direct beef with N0n
  3. Can you remember your loot? Eg: how many divines?
  4. Love to see you get involved with this server
  5. Please no just my opinion
  6. Lemme take off ur hands. Wouldn't want you to have to deal with the worries and pressures of ::empty. I will do it for you kk?
  7. rolforion

    New work.

    Would like one if you have time. What is the best way of contacting you with details?
  8. Zoradz is it true 80% of your current work on new updates for roat has been lost during your transfer between houses. A server support told me, just wondering if this is true? Also do we have any estimated date for the new bosses?
  9. rolforion


    Really support suggestions like the elder chaos druids. Ideas like this will increase activity and I like how you've implented an actaul wanted item. This links with how Pyd suggested deep wildy monsters dropping pkt's etc (pkers could kill them for aswell), to promote deep wildy activity (especially for new players). However there is one thing I don't agree with or something else would have to be added... Custom tele's can't be removed because people have donated so much for them. Its annoying ik and I kinda wish there would be some sort of market at home instead of just ::yell. But overall agree
  10. PRIORITIES: Heavy ballista (can't see light being used) Toxic blowpipe Mutagens to recolour serps Infinity recolour kits Dwh Malediciton and odium wards with (or) kit All zenyte jewellery Amulet of damned Elite void Elder chaos robes EXTRAS: AGS (or) kit Dragon defender (or) kit Amulet of torture (or) kit Dragon armour (or) kits Abyssal bludgeon Abyssal dagger Other new osrs clue items to minigame shop -- add purge minigame plox COMMENT IF I HAVE MISSED SOMETHING
  11. Such sick suggestions. Rate all if I remember correctly (there was a lot to read soz). Still not sure people will rate skilling though. However, I like how you are suggesting it and that it still wouldn't have a major role in roat. For example: it is primarily used to obtain a max cape, it is used in order to get pkt to get items to pk with and it would be extremely simple (continous actions). However I just think others will here the word 'skilling' on a spawn server and just ignore how it would be implemented and just complain. Overall, insane suggestions. Really like the idea of the purge alongside current tournys. The purge could attract people to multi combat with clan competittion being dreadful at the moment (with spam yell ::varrock mess). Rate thissss
  12. I like this idea. However it doesn't work if people are risking different items worth similar values. For example: people risk the abyssal tentacle vs dragon claws evem though the tentacle is worth more. Also in higher risks (such as ags ones) people get primordial boots and b ring (i) for extra bonuses whilst the other play might not.
  13. Damn mad switches. Really nice vid. Make more and go get your yt'er rank coz these are sweet
  14. See ya round. Looking for them custom stakes
  15. Make it so when you die with untradeables they are given to an NPC at home which you can claim off. Therefore this will be solved. This isn't a permament solution but can be used whilst gretar fixes the mechanic. However, we could use this as a permament solution to stop raggers at edge not allowing pkers to get the fighter torso's, etc, back.
  16. Now dh and barrows require pkt to buy, why not introduce rockcakes. Ik before they weren't in the game because could just keep spawning dh sets and bombing but now if they did that they would be risking atleast 120ish pkt. Thoughts?
  17. Support! Just a few minor touches that could make things a lot easier!
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