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Everything posted by Killbob

  1. Killbob


    You don't even play, please leave forums too
  2. Killbob


    Oh Bye mark
  3. Bgs only drains defence, osrs wiki: The Bandos godsword's special attack, Warstrike, has doubled accuracy, inflicts 21% more damage and drains the opponent's combat stats equivalent to the damage hit in the following order: Defence, Strength, Prayer, Attack, Magic, Ranged. Warstrikeconsumes 50% of the wielder's special attack energy. For example, if Warstrike inflicts 50 damage on a foe with 30 in all combat stats, it would drain 30 Defence and 20 Strength levels (leaving the target with 0 Defence and 10 Strength). Against Tekton, it drains his combat skills by 10 (following the stat drain order) if it fails to hit.
  4. So if Slave L0c logs to me am i best nser?
  5. another not locked topic! ez
  6. Use to be a thing but was removed because of complaints
  7. Already in-game, just click the mouse on the settings tab and it should work. Don't mind the rest tho
  8. Killbob

    A Guy Spamming

    Coming from a spammer...
  9. guess I'll comment before this gets locked
  10. Killbob


    Wasn't a big fan of his music or lifestyle, but doesn't deserve to be dead over some simple shit. Man even tried turning his life around just to get shot
  11. @Fantastic is it safe to assume you got that 10k
  12. His fault for being in the wild when you're on
  13. Some weak shit if he's worried about the smell after smoking
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