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Everything posted by FUCKING KING

  1. you should stake ur bank lol, whip it infinte 25's
  2. Is somebody gonna tell him that he has #1 rng?????????????
  3. They are new though?.. I'm pretty sure we had a beef in 2013, we used to fight everytime you got on, how did I start pk'ing in 2015? Also, I was 13 in 2010, and I started NH'ing in late 2011.
  4. But it's not about skill? LOL. Anybody can kill anybody, regardless of if you've been hybridding since 2010, or just started bridding like Hickory and Smokey Example: Lee died to Smokey 6 times in a row I do NOT fucking know how, but I'm pretty sure that if these guys were to fight on 07, Smokey would double change his username after that
  5. basically yes LOL it's not skill when you kill somebody on roat, but it's also not because you're bad if you die
  6. You're supposed to kill and avoid dying??????????????????? but even if you do die. it doesn't matter. this game is broken
  7. Because it's an rsps? The worst ever rsps. You make threads about how bad the combat system is then you ask why dying doesn't matter. It's people like you who take this game too serious. none of you have actually pk'd on 07, and that's why you think roat pkz is such a good choice of a server to pk on. I bet you'd struggle a 2 way on there, the way you switch on here LOL.
  8. lo l yes I'm already there bro give me ur name
  9. no lol just looked at the pic oh. yh. sorry mb lol. but u can:t pk either
  10. quit gassing you internet random lol nobody that's even half decent plays roat anymore, hop on 07 or oss if you want clan battle
  11. Wont happen regardless don't know why I replied to you sorry forget it <3
  12. If you hit with the gmaul, your specs will stack up if you click on the spec bar, and each hit can do WELL OVER 50 damage (Roat logic) AS A PURE, imagine every hit doing 50 damage lmao if it's going to be cheap atleast nerf it From admin to worst suggester why would one of the most commonly used weapons within the pure community be a donator weapon only? Makes no sense
  13. It still does too much damage when it actually is accurate Yesterday I hit 39-56 Ags to gmaul, 56 with the gmaul as a fucking pure.. And dds wont be pkp item because it's used by mains too? Not just pures. I never see a main use gmaul unless it's being used as a combo weapon. Besides, the gmaul is only being abused right now, it's being used as a rushing weapon that's why they disabled it from ::brid.
  14. oh wait ur the retard who judges people at ::Brid thinking ur good but I rekt u, fuck you
  15. Not saying you're shit, never fought you, but you die pretty easily what's ur rsn? I'm actually nh'ing on 07 rn
  16. make vids then? any type of proof Talking about private servers, hop on 07 ? Bet you never had an acc on runescape you fucking little reject
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