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911 airplane

Legendary Donator
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Everything posted by 911 airplane

  1. what how is benzema the owner of real madrid explain!!!!
  2. just look at the private chat forget the spec let me pj what a faggot lmfaoo
  3. no you tried to sell it you will not be getting it back lol give up.
  4. im sorry boys but i hold the max meele hit now as other accounts got banned. my max meele hit is 103. http://prntscr.com/ji68if
  5. mikep must really be autistic to fall for a corp bait lure lmao
  6. well ever since yoobs left i think the staff have been much better But if a ss or mod is in same clan they need to stop abuseing powers for there freinds apart from that all mods and ss do fantastic jobs keep it up.
  7. yes the xp bar with bounty hunter is quite annoying.
  8. i will pay you a bag of dog shit nerd gtfo forums begging for 30k with your 3man clan.
  9. yeh i was pretty much cleaned then the lord blessed me well tonight.
  10. so i was down at arena i go and put 2k in lottery with only 1.98 chance of winning then the most unexpected shit happens and i win it all back http://prntscr.com/h38bu6
  11. lmao damn i would be so salty if it ended in 2 hits lmao
  12. so i went void range pking for this railer kid to come out and say im rushing while standing afk i go and gear and deal with the punk for him to say it took me 6 mins to kill him well im sorry but he is a compulsive lier with the prayer switching skills of a cancer patient http://prntscr.com/h2gumt http://prntscr.com/h2gys3 i love how also on my kill pic it says he regretted the day he met me in combat could not be any more true...
  13. i dont hate you i love you haters are shown with the same respect
  14. he came back in ahrims after then went afk i even said to him get risk then he said 2-0 multiple times lol but pm me later on game jblind we fight boy.
  15. I mean you must care to respond so you played yourself there mate
  16. so i was pking on my alt and dropped this shitter for hiim to take to yell say 2-0 even tho i never died just to clarify he planked to me here he is denying it http://prntscr.com/h0yynn kid is clearly on some crack or some shit here is his kill pic http://prntscr.com/h0z12p 8-0 shitter get good or dont cry on yell trying to lie in future bodied kid.
  17. so this guy was tryna act like he was cool with me so we started bridding he lost the first 2 due to my incredible skills he became really mad at me so we rm another 2 times i take his g maul like candy from baby 4-0 shitter http://prntscr.com/gytcwv
  18. Shit loot come risk me ingame so i can take your stuff like candy from baby.
  19. well some random kid come up to me and said my password yesterday so i had to change it so there must be a leak.
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