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911 airplane

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Everything posted by 911 airplane

  1. the ladder needs a fix i agree with sneakr if people can exploit it for pk purposes then it needs to be looked at asap.
  2. im only hype because he went running his keyboard off at me then gets smacked out with a 56 zgs spec proceeds to call me a gs prod bare in mind he had an armadyl godsword vs my zgs but yeh i wont bother this shitter anymore.
  3. Sick of this random talking shit got slapped 3-0 says peoplle cant pk well i slapped him in the most troll gear on my alt as he avoids my main. http://prntscr.com/guqsth http://prntscr.com/guqt2r Rip mr meow. he also pmed me after dieing have i killed him once http://prntscr.com/guqydr R I P R I P RIP RIP RIP
  4. if i die to somebody i dont need to lie mikep and you won me by a hair mate so gg
  5. come tribrid me on osrs username your dad son i mean name a time place a date i will fuck you up. and i have serious concerns when you say you will not give me your osrs name shook yout
  6. im not salty whats so ever i died to mikep for over 10k yesterday you honestly have mental health issues kid please go to sleep and as for more pkp well done its a rsps get that in osrs then come talk to me about money aswell and as for a flame war you are now going to sleep so looks like you cannot participate good night slave rematch tommoro or you scared? i never pjed you off anyone you started running away from me got in the portal continued the 1v1 you was out of supplies and you hit a 71 ags on me gz man rematch now or you just going to quit?
  7. just putting you to bed child before you try and hype up i mean gz on the bandos tassets thats like 200 pkp well done to come on here and brag about 200pkp pk shows how much downsyndrome you have peace.
  8. you have serious issues to think that anybody even cared haha
  9. i can comment on this forums as i please and it is not yours stop begging it rodent.
  10. also cause i slapped someone with a comment it gets removed to look like he won comeing from a forum mod who dosent even log in play the game and dosent know the banter as i said i dont play no more im an 07 guy.
  11. im older than you yoobs what you talking about little boy lmao.
  12. just ban my forum account john there is no such thing as free speech on this planet no more.
  13. how is he a shit streamer stop being jealous retard also he died in a safe game mode you think he would legit be able to kill him in brid dont make me laugh little boy.
  14. lmao the ultimate rage quit man some kids are just comedy gold.
  15. craig just show your ingame name silly shemale i would slap you left right centre little prick asking john to remove a comment you got hurt over is cute its gameover for you btw you are the cancer.
  16. craig go choke on your fathers dick obama looking mother fucker.
  17. copying your inv you are retarded as fuck mate
  18. were are my deaths i want fame shemale
  19. you really are obsessed stop hideing your ingame name on videos and what did you record that with my eyes are hurting.
  20. I think you just beat the living shit out of the poor guy nice video
  21. good job insoyisgay is nothing more than a staker who cant pk he got kicked from cc cause he dident know how to teleblock the retard i killed quickly after he fucked up he alongside ontop 69 are biggest retards on server
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