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Posts posted by donkeyballs

  1. Look first off, the staff will either, Ban me or close this thread i dont give a flying f

    First off Someone, this someone will know what im on about PROMISED. that i wouldn't get an ingame ban Yet i did for exposing me and the scammer.

    Yes i RWT'D. Doesnt evryone do it at some point? Atleast i had the balls to report the guy.

    they used my own evidence as proof to ban me, However they didn't include evry screenshot they only included one. so heres the full story.  11uz3ty.jpg<br/><a href="http://oi65.tinypic.com/dxlpi8.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>o8rjvs.jpg

    So don't make fake promises that i won't get banned if i do get banned. cause thats just a lame excuse.


    - Robin out PCE.

  2. 3 hours ago, PK Guy said:

    LOOOOOL you don't do actual giveaways, On RoatPkz a giveaway is supposed to be yelling for people to join your CC, getting them to line up at ::party, then doing a quiz for prizes. Use an alt (or a close mate) to answer before everyone else because of advance knowledge of the question, and people will fall for this shit time and again. Never actually give items to randoms who will definitely never reciprocate. 

    If all you can do is hate then why bother even commenting. thank you for your time.

  3. Hello For those who know me,

    I like this rsps, but the community sucks ill explain why,

    I've given away so much ... in the past 2 weeks to new people and people who needed it, Its just pixels tho i don't care at all.

    But once i lost evrything, you see who you're true friends are, thanks for being there 


    But with this said,I cannot be arsed to rebuild.

    So Goodbye evryone, have a great time in roatpkz!

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