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About swegnomite

  • Birthday August 13

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  1. Idk I'm just thinking of it in terms of: If buy 100k pkp using dono It costs me 160USD. But If buy a pet box I can roll a 100k-500k Pet quite easily and be saving myself 100USD. SeemsGoodMan @Killbob
  2. ayyy buddy how you doing long time no see. But is the topic of this anything to do with korasi.... kys amk wat u fink of pet?
  3. I have been thinking about the new pets and how in donation terms they are quite cheap as compared to the other options in donation store. (IN TERMS OF PKP VALUE) I want to know if y'all think that they are worth (in pkp) what they are valued at... post below ur thoughts and opinions as I think they are quite op for the ECO
  4. im alg with the classic "kys" its straight to the point just like ur nan after a glass of red. @Killbob
  5. A suits lover <3 yassssss how i met ur mother tooooooooooo ily jblind
  6. Suits The Americans House of Cards Mad Men The Sopranos F.R.I.E.N.D.S SNL Breaking Bad all good shows^ But nothing beats Dexter <3
  7. Bring back CW and add scrolls to the minigame shop. #BringBackCW
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