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About Capos

Roat Pkz Information

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  1. can the staff make a poll about this?
  2. I will donate all my donor tickets and vid it then post here if we get donor points back. Noobs
  3. Ok, since the server got so many updates. why not just eco reset it aswell? I got all the good items and over 200k pkp, even had customs. So tired of that and it seems like everyone has ags and many have max gear etc.. I think its about time the server get a fresh start. Iknow this would be unfair to the non donors as they might been doing alot of pvm for money. Make it so donors get what they donated for back or 50% of it. Or nothing like regular player? Idc, I just want a fresh economy
  4. Well dident see much crazyness there thats what I ment by misleading. And you have to agree with some of my opinion. No hate there great video just bad content.
  5. well pretty shit pk vid, sorry someone has to speak the truth.. the switches are awful and the kills are just luck. I miss some crazy dds specs, combo to sgs finish or something. Some of the kills are sgs spec 29, when u even try to use the dds u poke em lolz. Also misleading title, crazy?? Feel free to hate on me, just speaking my opinion. btw decent edit on the vid, get some nice k0s and work on the switches then you could make a nice vid.
  6. well new ranks will help to support the server as only way to get it is to donate. And the benefits can we worked on later, as for now it can be a status. Pretty cool also to have a custom name when ppl right click as I did a example of it. Thanks korasi why not idk why? Dident know swh was replaced with dwh either. And teleto is fine consider the rank cost 250-500$ and wont work if the player is in wildy so cant be abused. Thanks Like I told smackd, about the donor ranks so scroll up for that. Yeah that was a nice idea for the kit slots. Thanks
  7. Here is a list of some things that should be done in-game, - Make it so if you have killed someone in wilderness and continue you´re streak without leaving the wilderness you will receive extra PkPoints, the higher the KS without leaving wilderness the higher PkPoints for next kill - Add some new items tired of the current items, new items can be: Bludgeon, Abyssal dagger, Statius Warhammer (ik we got dwh, but make swh more powerful), Elder maul (chaotics are pointless, so this will replace that when pking), Primal weapons/armour (or is primal just stupid ?), Korasi???? - Add new donators rank, Elite donator and Master donator The Elite Donator cost 100$ ticket and will have: More kit slots 1 min timer for restoring spec Custom yell colour (can choose between 4-6 colours, know we can do @red@@red@ then get red yell but when you´re elite you dont need to do that and simply just choose a colour and you have that one until you change. Also maybe some custom colours. Custom yell tag with colours by the players name, example: Elite-Donator (Legend) Capos: Anyone wanna brid? Ability to host dice, 55x2, BJ or DiceDuels , if scammed anyone and people have evidence they lose the dice rank and will never be able to dice. The Master Donator cost 250-500$ ticket and will have: All abilities that the Elite Donator has, also more trusted to host dice. Can teleport to players, not in wilderness. ::teleto capos Restore spec anytime Custom right click tag when right clicked by other players: Follow DrunkMonkey Capos (level-126) A fucking pet? Conclusion: I know maybe some of these suggestions are impossible or stupid. But some of them may work and be good. So instead of telling me why that is stupid or why that dont work tell me what can be replaced or which of them you guys agree are good suggestions. Atleast I spent some minutes making this list, bleeh bye thanks for reading if you made it to here comment on this topic.
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