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Youtube Payments - March 2018


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This is just a friendly reminder that we've paid out 87,000 PKP this month to our YouTubers, the PKP will be automatically applied to your account.

13 YouTubers were paid and 7 YouTubers lost their rank due to no uploads (if you think yours was removed by mistake please PM me).

We now have a total of 13 active YouTubers, if you think you have what it takes please apply here!


People who got paid:
@Hatcx, @Tesfxye, @Blood Hound, @God Dildo, @pkmafia8, @Diiaurei, @Ekaya04_, @Flxz, @Oshe, @repent, @ru kidding m

People who lost rank:
@Craig, @jdrc01, @Elizathepat (2), @Po, @Ekys, @Avoid, @rsps hobo
Again if you did actually upload this month we might have your channel wrong, so please pm me :D 

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