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A New Price Guide


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This is a Prices guide, updated every week, for your ease of use!

Much love to Gretar for letting me use his previous price guide! Good luck to all!



LAST UPDATED:  17th May 2018

For convenience, you may press CTRL+F and search for the item you are looking for.



PK Items


Check the PK Point Shop for prices.

Vote Shop


Please note, vote points are acquired by claiming vote tickets, you may choose 100 PKP or a PK Package from the vote.

Castle Wars Shop


Bounty Hunter Shop


Donator Tickets

moV2L1J.png Donator Ticket: 8-12K PKP


moV2L1J.png Super Donator Ticket: 35-50K PKP

moV2L1J.png Donator Points: Negotiable between buyer and seller - Often sold for 50-150 each.


Dark Infinity





1HxSKfq.png Armadyl Crossbow: 2K PKP

QT3mp8W.png Dragon Crossbow: 1-1.3K PKP

3QiOzsh.png Heavy Ballista: 35-45K PKP

 SSMfXsp.png Light Ballista: 5-6K PKP

blowpipeee.pngToxic Blowpipe: 5-10K PKP




YDE3cUI.png Abyssal Tentacle: 3-4K PKP

Armadyl godswordArmadyl Godsword: 4-4.5K PKP

b48KCBI.png  Dragon Spear: 150-200 PKP

nf70rfo.png Vesta's Longsword: 10-15K

odyAcVB.png  Arclight: 3-5K PKP

 UqSoMAT.png Dragon Warhammer: 7-11K PKP

GEcyTtW.png Abyssal Dagger (P++): 2-4K PKP

DHa0fbW.png Abyssal Bludgeon: 2-4K PKP

 PoiqnOI.png Granite Maul: 400 PKP



 mmbSX4f.png   Staff Of The Dead: 2K PKP

xpgHQxD.png Staff of Light: 2K PKP

wrFtHLT.png Toxic Staff Of The Dead: 6-9K PKP

VfYz8HW.png Trident Of The Seas: 1-2K PKP

cYegg6R.png Trident Of The Swamp: 6-7K





h40rBSP.pngDivine Spirit Shield:  90-120K PKP

 nk2tFqf.png Elysian Spirit Shield: 30-35k PKP

 bDZ4SaG.pngArcane Spirit Shield: 20-25K PKP

 CVYP0LF.png Spectral Spirit Shield: 5-6K PKP

  SBXB8iF.png  Dragonfire Shield: 3-5K PKP

 DqGMhdF.png Ancient Wyvern Shield: 5-7K

JyUPpR2.png  Dragonfire Ward: 5-7K

jxg5kUp.png Malediction Ward: 800 PKP

 Onf7bHp.png Malediction Ward (or): 2.8k PKP

nitwM6g.png Odium Ward: 800 PKP

IUhHEHN.png Odium Ward (or): 2.8K PKP

mages' book.png Mages' Book: 1K PKP


Amulets & Rings


ItYq0Bq.png   Occult Necklace: 2-3k PKP

 Q9PwMRc.png Amulet of Fury (or): 2.5-3K PKP

 NQAM1sJ.png Amulet of Torture: 1-2K PKP

je9CuFS.png Necklace of Anguish: 1-2k PKP

 6eUfApe.png Tormented Bracelet: 500-1.5k PKP

  mvbVa1m.png Ring of Suffering (i): 1-2K PKP




7DQAhPf.png Vesta Chainbody: 4-5K PKP

 8ljbAK1.png   Vesta Plateskirt: 4-5K PKP


hNWtEhe.png  Statius's Full helm: 3.5-4K PKP

zK2I4HM.png Statius's Platebody: 5-7K

  QbSSWRU.png   Statius's Platelegs: 5-7K


 y4r5mEp.png   Zuriel's Hood: 3.5-4K PKP

DzYpd3i.png  Zuriel's Robe top: 5-7K PKP

  cBVxBIA.png    Zuriel's Robe bottom: 5-7K PKP


 HxDcQZ3.png   Morrigan's Coif: 3.5-4K PKP

qEZdqNw.png   Morrigan's Leather-body: 5-7K PKP

  VmmP5f6.png    Morrigan's Leather-chaps: 5-7K PKP


 Obsidian Helmet   Obsidian Helmet: 100 PKP

32bngWH.png  Obsidian Platebody: 200 PKP

 3GdzjVe.png     Obsidian Platelegs: 200 PKP


banods chestplat.png Bandos chestplate: 800 PKP

da.png.0668be75d40e3f492e03e5cf42bfaa25.png Bandos tassets: 800 PKP


ada.png.26a8fb3ade631f7eacbd2788ab46834e.pngArmadyl helmet: 400 PKP

dwada.png.526c85a7da0567c80be35d99e5871a25.pngArmadyl chestplate: 800 PKP

dsaewfa.png.8319da6e5462b37febe3dbbff51b46bc.pngArmadyl chainskirt: 800 PKP


12457.png Dark infinity hat - 500-1.5K

12458.png Dark infinity top - 1.5-2.5K

12459.png Dark infinity bottoms - 1.5 - 2.5K


jvhWOM8.png Serpentine Helmet: 2.5k PKP




Vote Shop
Items here are worked out based on the current cost of Vote Points (400-500)

Sell back for votes are 60% the original price.


moV2L1J.png Vote Tickets: 400-500 PKP



 RNbuDIr.png   3A Amulet:  6-7K PKP - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

10352.png 3A Kiteshield: 6-7K PKP  - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

dewa.png.6a12f161b67d4083d09cbf9ec3c96c86.png 3A Vambraces: 6-7K PKP - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

dwawfetga.png.1dd2e2b60baacbcf42e0f268d501eb11.png 3rd Age Axe: 18-22.5K PKP- (75 VP / Sellback 45)

20014.png  3rd Age Pickaxe: 18-22.5K PKP- (75 VP / Sellback 45)



de9NMvV.png 3A Hat/Helmet: 6-7K PKP - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

iQsRCdE.png   3A Mage Robe: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

 wo7aB51.png   3A Mage Robes: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

v1UtIPP.png 3rd Age Wand: 18-22.5K PKP- (75 VP / Sellback 45)


10350.png 3A Helmet:  6-7K PKP - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

10348.png 3A Platebody: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

10346.png 3A Platelegs: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

ptCTySn.png  3rd Age Long Sword: 18-22.5K PKP- (75 VP / Sellback 45)


 3A Coif:  6-7K PKP - (25 VP / Sellback 15)

10330.png 3A Range Top: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

10332.png 3A Range Legs: 12-15K PKP - (50 VP / Sellback 30)

3rd age bow    3rd Age Bow: 18-22.5K PKP- (75 VP / Sellback 45)


D9kOneM.png Voting Partyhat: 20-30K PKP - (100 VP / Sellback 60)

rzMOEt5.png Voting Santa Hat: 20-30kK PKP - (100 VP / Sellback 60)

IHhieJp.png Voting H'ween Mask: 20-30kK PKP - (100 VP / Sellback 60)

rzMOEt5.png Voting Santa Hat: 20-30K PKP - (100 VP / Sellback 60)

Bunny ears Bunny Ears: 50-60K PKP - (200 VP / Sellback 120) 

NzdXMwV.png  Partyhat & Specs: 60-85k PKP - (250 VP / Sellback 150)

wBqlLUL.png Rainbow Partyhat: 120-150K PKP - (500 VP / Sellback 300)

Ward upgrade kit Ward Upgrade Kit: 2K PKP - (20 / Sellback 12)


11665.png Void melee/range/mage helmet: 5 VP each / Untradable / (Sellback 3)

fesa Void knight top: 10 VP / Untradable / (Sellback 6)

8840.png Void knight robe: 10 VP / Untradable / (Sellback 6)

8842.png Void knight gloves: 5 VP / Untradable / (Sellback 3)

13124.png Ardougne cloak 4: 75 VP / Untradable / (Sellback 45)


Bounty Hunter Shop

Items here are worked out based on the current cost of Bounty Hunter Points (1.1-1.3)

Sell back for Bounty Hunter is 70% the original price.


moV2L1J.png Bounty Hunter Point: 1.1-1.3 PKP


latest?cb=20170105115051Ancestral Hat: 16.5K-20K PKP - (15K BHP / Sellback 10.5K)

latest?cb=20170105115053 Ancestral Top: 33K-40K PKP - (30K BHP / Sellback 21K)

 latest?cb=20170105115052 Ancestral Bottoms: 33-40K PKP - (30K BHP / Sellback 21K)


 latest?cb=20160811105227 Elder Chaos Hood: 1.5-2K PKP - (1.5K BHP / Sellback 1K)

latest?cb=20160811105228 Elder Chaos Top: 3-4K PKP - (3K BHP / Sellback 2.1K)

 latest?cb=20160811105228 Elder Chaos Robe: 3-4K PKP - (3K BHP / Sellback 2.1K)


 gBqYQ5c.png Kodai Wand: 11-13K PKP - (10K BHP / Sellback 7K)

hf6SAlZ.png  Dragon Claws: 20-25k PKP - (20K BHP / Sellback 14K)

latest?cb=20141009003456 Saradomin's Blessed Sword: 1.5-2k PKP - (1.5K BHP / Sellback 1K)

latest?cb=20170105115054 Dinh's Bulwark: 15-20K PKP - (15K BHP / Sellback 10500)

latest?cb=20170105113138 Elder Maul: 55-65K PKP - (50K BHP / Sellback 35K)

latest?cb=20170105115055 Dragon Hunter Crossbow: 7-8K PKP - (6.5K BHP / Sellback 4.5K)

latest?cb=20170105115058 Twisted Buckler: 3-4K PKP - (3K BHP / Sellback 2.1K)

20849.png Dragon Thrownaxe: 20 PKP Each - (15 BHP / Sellback 10)


13072.png Elite Void Top: 10K BHP / Untradable / (Sellback 7K)

13073.png Elite Void Robe: 10K BHP / Untradable / (Sellback 7K)

19564.png Royal Seed Pod: 5K BHP / Untradable / (Sellback 3.5K)


latest?cb=20140918221852 White/Yellow/Green/Blue Dark Bow Paint: 500-650 PKP - (500 BHP / Sellback 350)

latest?cb=20160706170441 Bandos/Zamorak/Saradomin Godsword Ornament Kits: 500-650 PKP - (500 BHP / Sellback 350)

latest?cb=20160706170441 Armadyl Godsword Ornament Kit: 2-3K PKP - (2K BHP / Sellback 1.4K)

latest?cb=20180125130007 Occult, Torture & Anguish Ornament kits: 2-3K PKP - (2K BHP / Sellback 1.4K)

latest?cb=20141106161619 Granite Clamp 500-650 PKP: - (500 BHP / Sellback 350)





fAqkmLH.png  Magma Mutagen: 8-12K PKP

IIAroqu.png  Tanzanite Mutagen: 8-12K PKP

XSptFW4.png Arcane Prayer Scroll (Augury) 60-80K PKP

vf6O9OK.png Dexterous Prayer Scroll (Rigour) 60-80K PKP

q4MRFvL.png  Magic Fang: 5-6K PKP

PWs3ehS.png   Bracelet of Ethereum: 150 PKP

ipWtWwa.png Dragon Javelin 0.5-1 PKP





All rares are difficult to price, so should be negotiated over by buyer and seller



TpE3twJ.png Black Partyhat: 800-1.2K PKP

RmrFEE1.png Blue Partyhat: 200-500 PKP

VokGkWL.png Green Partyhat: 200-500 PKP

YsfcYri.png Purple Partyhat: 200-500 PKP

CCSXyYE.png Red Partyhat: 200 - 500 PKP

ggdRCvH.png White Partyhat: 200 - 500 PKP

QdDCpXV.png Yellow Partyhat: 200 - 500 PKP


Halloween Masks

F5590cL.png Black H'ween Mask: 800-1.2K PKP

6Cu2f7H.png Blue H'ween Mask: 200-500 PKP

VnQSSC0.png Green H'ween Mask: 200-500 PKP

catwkpo.png Red H'ween Mask: 200-500 PKP



hIhNSai.png Angel Cape: 20-35K PKP

mHfePE2.png Angel Wings: 100-500 PKP

Xmf5J64.png Deadly Slayer Cape: 500-1.2k PKP

tlFKAwY.png Death Wings of Anarchy: 100-250 PKP

ZxDpen6.png Wings of Life: 100-200 PKP

swaUEWn.png Wings of Saradomin: 100-300 PKP


Misc. Rares

3jx7HAH.png Santa Hat: 200-300 PKP

aJgtgv0.png Black Dragon Mask: 100-200 PKP

9BNiDLT.png Dildo: 100-300 PKP

q68iOwH.png Pet Monkey: 100-200 PKP

fZj3MNH.png Roat Pkz Axe: 100-150 PKP

wWn5qnx.png Roat Pkz Pickaxe: 100-150 PKP

1961.pngEaster Egg: 0.5 - 1 each

 30232.png Ring of Flying - 200-1K




Please note that Castle Wars is currently disabled meaning the prices for the below items are very much negotiable between the buyer and seller. 

Guthix halo Guthix Halo: 50-80K

Zamorak halo Zamorak Halo: 50-80

Saradomin halo Saradomin Halo: 50-80K

Royal crown Royal Crown: 20-25K 

Royal gown top Royal Gown Top: 20-25K

Royal gown bottom Royal Gown Bottom: 20-25K 

Royal sceptre Royal Scepter: 20-25K 

Briefcase Briefcase: 3-5K 

Top hat Tophat: 10-15K 

Afro Afro: 10-15K 

Big pirate hatBig Pirate Hat: 10-15K

Sagacious spectacles Sagacious Spectales: 10-15K 

Musketeer hat Muskteer Hat: 15

Musketeer tabard Muskteer Tabard: 5-7

Musketeer pants Muskteer Pants: 5-7K

Deerstalker Deerstalker: 4K 

Monocle Monocle: 4K 


Limited/Custom Rares

*Limited/custom rares (i.e. Orange, Cyan , Pink, etc.) prices are negotiable depending on the buyer & seller

Partyhats & specs

uanEhqO.png Pink Partyhat & specs

1qEHhYj.png Gold Partyhat & specs

CVPTnE3.png Cyan Partyhat & specs



6CNxCC9.png Gold Partyhat

108uck3.png Light Blue PartyHat

xrmwrkl.png Orange PartyHat

HSb5Du1.png Pink Partyhat

UAjr7oP.png Cyan PartyHat

tSkLzar.png Light Green Partyhat

Mknzfyi.png Light Yellow Partyhat

dIgVtwD.png Cream Partyhat

dOjPSGh.png Peach Partyhat


Halloween Masks

kqpZbhM.png Cyan H'ween Mask

9XKm7JU.png Gold H'ween Mask

qFAPpBS.png Orange H'ween Mask

EKF7fqB.png Purple H'ween Mask

tqM6jRO.png Pink H'ween Mask

BaqKVgo.png White H'ween Mask

mez6jrk.png Peach H'ween Mask

Oc5zVIV.png Cream H'ween Mask

wscoFUD.png Light Yellow H'ween Mask

fpuBGs1.png Light Green H'ween Mask

sk6Q52g.png Magma H'ween Mask

VjK3FIQ.png Light Blue H'ween Mask

jtJRJul.png Lime H'ween Mask


Santa Hats

Lqpzjge.png Cyan Santa Hat

UMlZzkV.png Light Blue Santa Hat

RM3PJjT.png Blue Santa Hat

MpZXGjj.png Black Santa Hat

qjzZx2w.png Gold Santa Hat

yZnE0KT.png Orange Santa Hat

aLoeqRH.png  Purple Santa Hat

hm4gigJ.png Pink Santa Hat

QwvkMRc.png White Santa Hat

Uw2mbEd.png Lime Green Santa Hat

UOv1BLC.png Cream Santa Hat

P4HGH9Z.png Light Yellow Santa Hat

86noUrI.png Peach Santa Hat

1mU4Gui.png Light Green Santa Hat



mchreRJ.png Inferno Adze

1iRGMog.png Candy Cane


Edited by Diiaurei
Added ring of flying and dark infinity! - Also updated prices
  • Upvote 3
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You should've just send this to Jblind/Fantastic/Smackd or Gretar and let them update the offical ::prices topic. No point having this and that topic with the command that links u when u type ::prices in game, will most likely just confuse most players.  

Good effort though, GJ, some of the prices in the other topic were outdated.

Edited by Khalil
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3 minutes ago, Khalil said:

You should've just send this to Jblind/Fantastic/Smackd or Gretar and let them update the offical ::prices topic. No point having this and that topic with the command that links u when u type ::prices in game, will most likely just confuse most players.  

Good effort though, GJ, some of the prices in the other topic were outdated.

I am - simply showing it off to gretar, I've already talked to him about it


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  • 3 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, Gretar said:

It'll be based off in-game trade prices, I'll be updating them more frequently as well as ppl can easily call out wrong prices via in-game price guide.

Sounds good. I'll update this prices guide when prices have settled down too, anyway. :P


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everyone needs to leave this man alone lmao dope guide @Diiaurei and if people kept up on the prices like zoradz used to no one would have to make guides or message staff about it you all play the game enough to know the prices you know them enough to tell new players when they join so learn to update the thread lmfao. Gudi out


and @sophia not everyone only posts shit to try to get a position they'll never get like yourself and @Tesfxye jk arun big fana love the youterb verds best youtuber rank ing!

  • Hmmm 1
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