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We're in love with this world.

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No because this world means nothing, we can never die only our bodies die, then we’ll be put in a new body starting over from the beggining, but with no memory because the memory is in the old bodies brain. Everytime you die this reborn like this until one day universe is sucked up in a black hole, explodes and baam that’s how big bang comes again, like a cycle

we’re never 100% happy in our lives let alone have a 100% happy life. You’re still gonna realize time is only passing and your family is getting old, sick and dead, you’ll eventually have kids who will be a pain in the ass to raise, your wife will still make you go insane everyday you’ll have a shit life cuz ur working as a slave for little money that ur eventually splitting with ur kids and wife cuz ur scared to take risks and ur just gonna end up working for someone who did


so when are you 100% truly happy? The little time you’re dead because when ur ”dead” you can’t think, or feel. And everything in this world is about feelings. If you feel like smoking, you go smoke, if you feel like the vibration is bad around some people, you’ll walk away

Universe repeats itself we’re not obsessed by this world or this life we’re just all stuck in it by the time technology or scientists can prove this leading theory universe will fall in a black hole and create big bang again

Time doesn’t have a start or an ending it has always existed it’s the only thing we have and the only thing we can really use

There are no straight lines in the universe it’s man made. Math wasn’t created it was discovered. 

Suicide is the only way to true happiness. Life means nothing, never feel bad for anyone we’re all stuck in this shit together we’re all going the same way


Life is about maxing out whatever ur doing if ur driving drive a million dollar car at top speed, if ur fucking around, be like Dan Bilzerian

whatever you give to a human they’ll never be satisfied we’re created that way that we just want more and more, if you have a thousand you want more

life sucks everyone religion teaches heavenly rewards for obeying rules it’s politics money is the only thing that can make you happy in this world and none of you have any real money cuz ur suckers who play roat pkz all day long

Everyone is just a mentality a personality a psyche just like you stuck in this shit kill everyone in ur way wtf u mean cold like ice we all bleed 

Thanks for reading, now you know the external secrets of this world /

-Ungrateful, the day before going insane and losing his job



Edited by l DONT NOW
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