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some suggestions

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im on my phone so give me some slack lol.

1. Add ancient artefacts drops to revenants - also have a emblem trader in the cave that buys artefacts for pkp or you can sell them to players but for less pkp. you can sell the artefacts noted or un noted but at your own risk. 

2. i have a idea other than wildy key , its called king of the hill. with king of the hill (cc based) the hill spawns at different areas of the map that a team has too control or take over , the cc with the most kills after the event is over(20mins) wins the event and the whole cc is awarded a event ticket these event tickets can be exchanged to the small dmm chest for pkp shop items  , the area becomes a 2x hot spot and 2x pkp spot , when the event is over a artefact appears like a key on the ground and a 2minute timer begins for the artefact to be picked up,  the player that gets the artefact is given a 10minute teleblock and has to take it too 20 wilderness when the timer runs out or level 1 wilderness but the player holding the artefact cannot run because the "artefact is too heavy" so the team has to stick close or they risk having a player die and lose the artefact. when turning in the artefact you have a chance at bounty hunter items and a 5% chance to triple a item at the dmm chest but its always lost on death and if you take a artefact into the wildy you have a gold skull over your head indicating that the person is holding a artefact. this artefact is way different than the ones at revs to avoid confusion. any other suggestions would be great but somthing (team based) would be nice to see on the server. achievements can be added.

3. killing the tber that tbed you takes your teleblock away. pretty simple

4.spec tabbing , im pretty sure this is suggested

5. hideing the bounter hunter interface(suggested)

6. fully working clan wars

7. boots of brimestone , dragon hunter lance , fremenik kilt , all to be added too pkp shop




Edited by Shadovv
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