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Name of the Rule Breaker: Dab Mi

Rule Broken: Threatening to DOX

In-game or Forums: In-game

Date: 4/27/2020

Proof: https://prnt.sc/s73ea5

Private Report (Y/N): N




Karishma told me that he/she posted it to the staff chat, and that it wasn't a serious threat. But after still insisting

on reporting him via forums, to my surprise he has been reported 12 hours earlier for the same thing.


Karishma argues that it is not a posing threat since he said "If he has the balls to do it himself", but I think this makes it even more threatening.


"I can't wait when you all see Alkosor irl"

"Wish he had the balls to post it Himself". This is the *Controversial* part of it, but to me it sounds like he thinks I would never post an IRL Photo (I WOULDNT) , therefore Dab Mi implies that he will post It and show everyone what a fucking retard I look like irl.

I can't believe I have to explain this in such detail. 

Doxxing is "All Fun and games" & "Non threatning" until it fucks someones life up. I've learned that the hard way. 


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