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Forum activity

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In the old forums you can/could see who had the most forum activity, I would like that to be added here, with the option to make your activity private or not. 

Like a top 10, and a statistics bar of activity through different sections, and what times of the day when your activity peaks with a bar graph.  

Edited by Castial
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Suppose you made it private, then how would the top 10 most active people be accurate, it would just be the top 10 of the people who made it public. I support we should have this idea but there should be no ability to make it private.

If someone isn't comfortable revealing how much they spend time on the forums, I don't think it should be publicly shown. I'm trying to create less friction for the future. If someone were to berate them for their time usage, and would more likely make them to quit the forums all together.

I'm fine with it not being "accurate" it still shows activity facts. 

Edited by Castial
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Do you really want people to see how much you really have been camping the forums?

Second I admire that you are looking out for the well being of others but you can't even defend yourself. 

Last how can it be a fact if you are okay with it not being accurate, are you actually dumb? 

Overall it would be pretty insignificant to implement something like this, fix up and stop posting retarded shit just a post count. 

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Do you really want people to see how much you really have been camping the forums?

Second I admire that you are looking out for the well being of others but you can't even defend yourself. 

Last how can it be a fact if you are okay with it not being accurate, are you actually dumb? 

Overall it would be pretty insignificant to implement something like this, fix up and stop posting retarded shit just a post count. 

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There are much more important things to address then to see how long you losers spend on here. 

You ever heard of lower priorities..?

I'd rather have nicer themes and some unique content.

Yeah, would put this ahead of the stats too. I think some different themes are being looked at by Yoobs.

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