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Revamp Prices

Should we revamp prices?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we revamp prices?

    • Yes
    • No

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The ingame prices have to get revamped, Prices went down to bad. I don't think anyone will buy any Party packages or h'ween package etc. Phats went down from 1K to 100 pkp and blacks from 10k to 1K. We should fixx the prices. This shit started with a guy yelling selling black 1K and stuff. 

It's better to vote for 100pkt then donating 5$ for a party package these days..


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Edited by pk and own
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2 minutes ago, Bind U Dead said:

The issue of prices in my opinion was about adding Black Friday Sale which made everyone to donate on that day more frequently than normal days, so there were many Rares given out by packages and donor tickets. That's how the prices fell down sharply.

Could be asswel, anyways the Prices are just fucked to bad atm? 

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Negative comments arent going to help on a valid suggestion thread, feel free to keep your opinions to yourself if you cant say anything positive. Its not as simple as just changing the prices and everything is fixed it is hugely dependent on the amount there are in-game and what price they averagely sell for. We are going to go over the eco and see if there if we can do anything to improve it (not an eco reset) Until then feel free to read any other of the 10000's of suggestions that suggest changes prices or fixing eco.

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