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veteran rankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :P

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Hello im apply for veeteran rank like all know i had accounts, before sandel :P

im going to say a story about my name "SANDAL", IDK WHY everybody liked it :), anyways,

in 2013, we was on summer, so when i went out from my swiming pool i went to roatpkz, i was playing on account called "Fast food" and other "Nice food" 

(i can prove thats my acconts if anyone wont trust me) so i was thinking about my new name...

When i went to my room to pick a new i just downed my head under the disk, after that i saw my dad's sandal.

so i got it, and when i joined to it, my cousins came to me, and they said its nice name... (if you readed it say first word "hi")

and im gonna see if you readed or nah.

anyways the pictures is: http://prntscr.com/7ty7sw

2nd pictures : http://prntscr.com/7ty7zf

and when i registered to recover it (before recover system ) : http://prntscr.com/7ty853 

like all know my name is Nihad : http://prntscr.com/7ty87g

you can send me and then il answer, but pm me before.





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