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Staff Applications - V Good Pker

V Good Pker

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Hello guys, do you think i deserve the forums moderator application, tell me your comment below and enjoy reading my application:



*Name: Smith


*Forums/in-game name: V Good Pker


*Timezone: +3


*Position you apply for: Forum moderator 


*Why do you think that you deserve the position: i deserve the position because i'm active on the forum and i love to help other players and i'm playing Roat Pkz since 2k11, also i have some exp from the past because i was a forums moderator in one server but this in the past, and i really will try my best to help the community by making guides etc 


*Average time online per day: 8 hours + daily but now i will be more active on the forum because i was have problems IRl but i solve them all ;)


*Anything else want to say: I just want to say, hope i get a chance to prove my self that i deserve the position very well and as i said i will try my best to help the community by everything!


I think that i'm not allowed to do application and i think that this topic will closed but at least i want to see your comments below!



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You know that you can't apply for staff positions, yet you post a topic about it anyway..? if you want feedback from the community, just create a topic where you ask for feedback and what people think you 'deserve'. I personally don't think you'd be fit for the forum moderator position.

I'm gonna lock the topic too.

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