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Parashybridit Purloin Ism0kepurps Sotd (18+)

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3 minutes ago, peek said:

Jake we cleared u and ur team in like 10mins from east and dropped 2 of u and ur tber died 3 times.. why u on nissy? Oh ye i made u logout.. forgot about that

Im the one who killed ism0ke its not a ph kill quit that.

ur acting like u would of killed him if we didnt show up. we killed you too anyway so we get both itams :) ty mate

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2 minutes ago, Pedro said:


ur acting like u would of killed him if we didnt show up. we killed you too anyway so we get both itams :) ty mate

Lmfao it was multi and dspears, atleast i never die to a mystic with max gear. Good job "ph". Keep hidding on alt accounts until we log out. Get smacked 


6 minutes ago, Sinister said:

C y a from Pakistan getting loud

You would die in 1min keep calm.

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2 minutes ago, Xbrzh said:

l000l did u actually just upload this, u lot got cleared by ppl in mystic then when sams on his own against ppl who aren't even in ph you run in with spears then claim the kill I'm done

Jake sicks lol everytime he comes at easts he says, wow rlly 10vs1 noobs and tele.. l000l

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4 minutes ago, Reign Of Taylor said:

talking what? dying for mystics? when you've died 100+ times LMFAO


piled me by retards in max with 20 man dd... different to dying to someone in mystic also haven't died to u psucs in a while so back to forums 4 u :):):):):):

4 minutes ago, Reign Of Taylor said:

iodide never even risk hasint been in ahrims since the update

dumb fucking paki slit ur wrist pussy

I have worn ahrims, what do u want me to do if I don't have itam, if I had it id use it.

good one though paki

10 minutes ago, CrowBox said:

is getting cleared meaning u guys die 500 times in mystic and have no lives and just come back?

I ddint die?

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