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Posts posted by GirthQuake

  1. My point is that i only hit you once and you protected from melee and i got off, i wasn't aware thhat you were there to just fight other people. I treated you with respect and you still just comment and call me a bitch. Wow. Either way my point is that i think the staff should be more mature but obviously you aren't going to change so my friends and i will take our money somewhere else and play a different server. 

  2. So i'm very new to the server still, I've been having a lot of fun just pking and stuff. Then last night this admin told people to go to this other pk tele which was by lumbridge so i was like okay cool i tele there and fight a few people. Until i saw the admin come out into the pking area, he was just chillin there for like 15 seconds so i hit him and he started cussing at me and being super toxic. He did not seem to be waiting for anyone and he was in the wildy trying to pk so he should know that people will come up and hit him you know? It's a PK server lol shit happens. But the main reason why i'm telling you all this is because i'm trying to suggest the owners talk to their staff and tell them not to just be toxic to their community. If you're trying to grow then you should shhow everyone with the amount of respect you deserve yourself. Here is proof of the incidence. 

    Hope you take this into consideration

    Thanks for reading! 



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  3. I think this RSPS has so much potential but it's very bland, i find myself getting very bored of the constant pking only because you don't get anything in return most of the time. Everything is either free or VERY cheap, and you keep most of the items on death. A Pk server shouldn't be like this in my opinion, it's very bland, all you do is just load your loadout go out kill someone get a bronze key then do it over again. Very basic so please make it so people ACTUALLY risk items. Also making this more pvm heavy would be cool too, i'm more pvp player myself but bossing to get rare items would be cool. 

    Also i think you should come up with a new pricing system, the whole pkp thing is kinda dumb imo. I know for a fact that we'd like to have to kill monsters to get our awesome pk gear not just buy it from an NPC by edge.

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