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Posts posted by Toast420

  1. 3 hours ago, genj said:

    Flame off, ill slap you any day

    Doubt u have anything better to spend your time on if ur on here anyways 😛

    ur right mate, had a spare 5 minutes with nothing better to do and here i see the typical roat standard post rofl (this one). good to know ur still here spending ur time wisely too, almighty veteran :D

  2. 5 hours ago, Floyd said:

    7 diff accounts on ::Screenshot, it's "TBE", "Erca", 3 accounts I've used for nh'ing, 1 for luring Rag Bot V1 to multi and my alt I've used for the past like 6 months it has a few hundred kills on it never died

    How come whenever I call people out I am "unkillable because I'm using an autoswitcher" but then you claim I die everyday all the time on alts, which is it? I don't, and shouldn't take anybody seriously, not other way around, name one person RIGHT NOW that would hop on and fight me without any excuses, no "turn ur auto off" no "get my gear" just straight fight me

    zzz more boring lies lmao. u died on byn block nigga then started using "ZD" n told ur friends it was because u lost ur ks lmfao and to add "zd"

    why do u front for the forums retard. i never mentioned an autoswitcher. i mentioned how uve proven to the forums ur mentally unstable throughout ur time here and have made quite a mockery of yourself to the extent that ur a complete joke to the server, on par with jtir hunter.

    and hold on lmfao "name one person right now that would hop on and fight me". u was at edgepvp fighting BRUHHHHHH. n u started crying n avoiding because of he was outplaying all of ur prayers? saying its his toxic? acb? yet u want to find people who will "just straight fight me" but ur the king of excuses.

    allow the response lmfao ur a complete joke who spews nothing but lies n bullshit to try impress the forum. retard

  3. funny how it's titled server is full of morons n its not only created by one of the biggest morons on the server but also followed by a runner up comment by erca. looool

    "I've bullied this little rodent, Tried to warn him and he just couldn't let it go so this is the outcome:"

    ROFL panic2hard editor slave turned into video maker now he thinks hes decent n found himself an ego lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo

    1 hour ago, Floyd said:

    Do I really have to get on right now and silence you again?

    Beating you day in and day out at you own game, then you complain about ”bad combat”? Get an 07 account (preferably zerk) or hop on Exiled I’ll show you better combat😂

    ur the weirdest fuck on here lmao, ull die then deny it was even you (reason why u quit every alt), then persist to say ur the best lmao. give it a rest ur boring as fuck. every1 has already seen how mentally unstable u are throughout ur time here. no1 takes u serious.


  4. fucking hell lmao tourny worlds bring out all the retards who try claim theyve been pking for years on 07. i can tell from this vid this was ur first time pking on 07.


    "I work well without offensive pots as nhing on 07 is no where samilar to rsps nhing"

    lmfao if u can send me some clips of u nhing on osrs ill shut up but srs uve probably been pking on tourny worlds since release n now u think u can talk strategics. u dont know shit rofl

  5. 1 minute ago, Hamza said:

    You seem like an alt yourself, I'm concerned about you mental health

    I killed him 3 times in a row, I know when this took place, didn't plan to share this with everyone or even expect anyone else to respond this was meant to be a personal message but since he camps forums all day I figured I'd just post it here and let him respond, he came at me with a killpic on Rune (not to mention I'm not a hybrid AND I barely even play OS-rsps's or 07)

    Pre-EoC nher killing someone who claims to be a Pre-EoC hybrid 3 times in a row, I think that say enough. ur all roat pkz hybrids who developed an ego after watching a few good hybrids post vids on here LOL

    On top of that yall was talking like some politiciants before Pedro started using forums. 


    Edit: Roat pkz raggers who later became hybrids

    More irrelevant bullshit in attempts to inflate ur ego.

    bored of replying to empty statements with no correlation

    roat pkz ragger? Talking like politicians before pedro? Developed an ego through roat?

    Bored lol just random bullshit. 

    I can assure u this is my only forum account. 

    Dw about replying... u win? 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Hamza said:

    1). Factory reset my pc just last month, aka why I said "Found them in a Skype chat"

    2). You've got 8 posts you're a fucking nobody, really LOL

    3). He did not pk "1.5 years ago"???? And besides the point was to prove him he has died to me (3 times in a row not just once)

    4). Ur all dumb slow and just REALLY FUCKING BAD. Bunch of 2016 hybrids feeling TOO comfortable using roat pkz they forgetting it's now how it works on 07 or did in pre-eoc

    5). What does the ticket yell have anything to do with this? Many other people (including myself) prefer to risk at ::meth for many various reasons. No need to click the portal to get to safezone (fucks up sometimes causing people to get hit), and besides in risk some people bring items that just trades for 5k example: kodai wand & 3rd age amulet. 

    Try again when u done sucking his dick


    1) more excuses and Skype chats are time stamped, js.

    2) irrelevant

    3) pointless thread just makes u look retarded

    4) weirdo lol I played in 06 not that it is any of your concern. 

    5) fair point 


    im not sucking his dick, i don't like retards like you who just spew any old bs with no correlation to what has been said, e.g 2), 4) & this thread.


    As as I said this is purely a progression thread. U went from killing smokey x3 to making pointless threads and hiding on Alts because u don't want to be exposed for what u now are, lol. A shitter.


    fix up

  7. kk so

    "been like two-three months since I got these kills"

    Yet the chatbox shows risking 200 pkp ticket at ::meth... I'm not going to say any more on that matter lol. (cough, ::risk update, cough individual pkp update, screenshot update...).

    i didn't even want to comment but i can't be the only 1 seeing how retarded u are lol. u made a thread for one guy with kills from a year ago to say you're better than him? think that through in ur head lol.

    ppl who are good stay humble. ur trying hard to prove to roatz ur something lol.

    ""1.5 years ago" excuses I got more kills on u than u do on me pm me when u see me ingame pussy boy"

    lmao...... but u post pics from last year ? if u can back ur talk ill stfu.

    if anything this entire thread is a progression for smokey lol. ya u killed him x3 a year ago but he's progressed n ur now a shitter trying to stay relevant, whos making the most of their time here ?

    i could write for days on ur flawed logic n expose u for the moron that u are but ill let u enjoy ur delusional ego.

    n b4 u mention anything about hiding, take into consideration this is ur 3rd (known) forum account this year ty.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Browsing said:

    Man was SHAKINGGGG vs Chris rofl!!

    ur weird as fuck lmao. imagine sitting on the forums trying to gage a reaction out of every thread to try stay relevant.


    trying rly hard to find out y ur mind set is so retarded n give u the benefit of the doubt but ur legit some spas who spends his only life prowling a forum tryna get reactions out of gamers. nice 

    • Upvote 6
  9. 1 minute ago, King Lee said:

    dont remind me





    who r u mr 2 posts talking about other ppl trying to be relevant hehexd 

    lol idc if im relevant on roatz or not. its just cringeworthy how u try post clan archives trying to include urself in past times. ur a has been

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