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She Squirts

Super Donator
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Posts posted by She Squirts

  1. I must say Im honored to take part in this vid, shit I even got my own segment. little disappointed that I wasn't the opener or ender though so imma have to give this vid like a 7/10.

    btw ty to NO WARNING for bringing this video to my attention dumb whale lmfaoo

    • Hmmm 1
  2. Looking for multiple of the following items: serp, ags, vesta, black sets/ individuals, pkp tickets, super donor tickets/ donator points, staff of deads/tsotd, occult, tent whip. Not looking for all of these items for divine but if you give me a decent offer with some of these items, will most likely take it.

  3. First off, most answers are off lol..

    The real reason prices were dropped a lot is because of the past Black Friday-ciber Monday sale which was 30% off donation prices. Now most people took advantage of this and donated once and some even multiple times. Now by far the best deal was 300 donor points for 2 huge pack(imo) giving 9 items that vary such as p hats and vesta and other pkp items and party hats, which you can get multiple of in these huge packages. The more they are in game, the more the demand decreases or ofc people noticing there are many and want to sell asap.

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