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Posts posted by Matttt

  1. Just now, Black And Homo said:

    1. specing 41-0 31-31 38-31 on my tank like its nothing

    2. freezing constant 33s with fire cape tassets on

    3. never hitting a 0

    4. dont care get cancer :D

    why i don't play this game anymore, did 3 fights.


    oh aii my bad 3-0 lol

    bro I honestly don't got a problem with you but if you are getting slapped 3 times its not the server lmfao its you the fact you bring a dfs at first shows you try to cheat to get a kill on me but I still hit so then I bring dfs and do even better l0l 

    Don't complain to me complain to gretar about the server 



  2. Kid talks shit on forums tells me to get on so I do when I finally get home.

    Slap him 4-0 u can ask beenthru or hunny badger maybe dank was there too but at ::oldbrid 

    Not gonna call you a slave or anything but u haven't even made me tele once l0l please pipe down. 

    then he logs :P

    No competition.


    Kill pics coming soon just wait on it 2k16 :P


  3. 2 hours ago, Ahmash said:

    risking makes u a bad pker ive seen u eat food when ur hp is 80+ and ppl who risk dont dm even if the other guy is risking more

    LMFAOOOOOOOO thank you bro honestly this kid was eating at 90 hp last night 

  4. 1 hour ago, Yoobs said:

    Okay noa what a d you permed gl entering wilderness #soulreapers :) Also killing me isnt really hard i dont claim to be a good pker, i just pk for fun :)

    Kappa 13 kdr kappa 

    Plser no yoobies I log now? No IDea what a soul reaper IS m8


    36 minutes ago, Kihfan55 said:

    It's the clowns who pk with no risk (panic2hard, choppa, arun) who get a next hard on over pking risk just bcus they don't risk but die 24/7 lol

    Lol IVe done many risk fights but u right obv cuz ur cooler bro

  5. 2 minutes ago, Sinister said:

    I'm not friends with her you delusional ape, it's understandable why you're paranoid though not like she hasn't left you for her maccies manager or anything.

    I'm not mad it's just comical how many sides you have to your personality, get to oldbrid anyway im sick of talking


    Sini is in the blue. Yoobs is in black, @Xbrzh in red


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  6. Just now, Sinister said:

    You have no idea what either of us are saying panic2hard go make more edge pking compilations.

    lol you retards keep mentioning edge when I don't pk at edge lmfao are you honestly brain dead ? If I'm an edge pker then wtf are you morons ?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Xbrzh said:

    lmao I'm over what happened, couldn't care less about it. we all know the real reason why you started disliking me.

    i wont get embarrassed over what people on roatz think of me, if you want me to tell some more truth i can because its clear that you care...

    tbh ^ 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Xbrzh said:

    atleast I wasn't sending her money when she didn't like me or call her a psyco then start talking to her again a couple weeks ago :P lie to your m8s, you take my jokes as flames but its no worries bc I like the entertainment


    dead asf

    r.i.p. sini 2k16 m8

  9. Just now, Sinister said:

    don't pani2hard little edge pker your time is coming

    Lmfao I bet it is mate, I've never been seen pking at edge.  

    Panic2hard, Matttt whatever u want to call me is fine with me Ill still deal with you and your  friends 

    ik yoobs is gonna like all your shit now lmfao. 

    inb4 ::ban mate. I better log now :D




  10. Just now, Sinister said:

    Get online for 10 fights and ill have enough clips on you for a full vid.

    As for arun, all your mates have left you so i understand you trying to hype up so we don't forget who you are but you'll get put in your place you always are, you flame until your girl leaves you IRL then you vent to me on kik like i care about you rofl.

    Maccies manager ting

    Sinister the fact you still comment on this thread shows you have nothing else to do with your time. 

    How many times am I gonna have to reply to your shit insults and "commands" ?

  11. Just now, Sinister said:

    You don't even get online after the last bullying session i gave you.

    Either of you get on

    lol I'm on my phone not even home that's why I told selena ill deal with him later as for you there is no need I already slapped you if I have to do it again I will and this time ill make sure to record it but as for now stay heated I expect you to be furious. 

  12. Just now, Kihfan55 said:

    ur just so well mannered ingame it sounds like =P lmfao clown 


    1 minute ago, Sinister said:

    Post my killpic, it'll just make your life harder when i actually play n embarass you

    Don't need to post one of you lmfao your just a dick rider. *Embarrass ? lmfao you tried last night in front of Craig and spy didn't work

    1 minute ago, Kihfan55 said:

    ikr lmfao, this guy is probably under the assumption that we would make a topic about him L O L

    Never said you would lmfao why spam with sini on the topic ? inb4 more complains 

  13. Just now, Sinister said:


    Yoobs knows what he's talking about because unlike you he's actually a pker and plays OSRS, obviously you just want attention, we're not gonna Why GG you and make you relevant, sorry bro.

    Lmfao honestly that gif is for you man...  If i wanted attention I would of posted your kill pic as well but I didn't even though I believe you are a bigger retard then spy but oh well. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Kihfan55 said:

    whats ur mains name, im sure ive killed u 100x

    Nah Ive only vs you a few times and you complain to much but you have never killed me sadly I promise lol 

    Sorry but you should just start ignoring my posts if I bother you so much lol :P 


  15. 4 minutes ago, Kihfan55 said:

    "I never started with anyone! I am a nice player and I randomly got flamed!!!!!" <---Basically what ur saying

    I told you "if ur gonna complain about the server 24/7 then just log off" u said "Me??????" i say yeah then u say "ME??" "ME????" "MEE???" as if ur in any merit to make the case that this server is good/bad anyway. ur ass lol

    after i tell u to stfu, i never say anything directly to u i only respond to ur retarded questions to me and u continue on flaming me and sini

    It's actually completely humorous that ur trying to make the case for the people who are viewing this that u tried either a) not instigate this or b) tried to diffuse it, I mean, you made a flame topic for fucks sake lmfao

    ur not innocent so stop being a fucking crybaby l0l. If ur gonna make a flame topic then try to stand by ur actions rather than acting like u were in duress from anyone to make this topic. U made this topic for attention and to try to convince at least 1 person that u are competitive with me, which isn't the truth

    innocent ? lol are you dumb????? You three basically started calling me bad for no reason lmfao I was complaining about how bad the combat system is and you randomly start saying I'm "trash" and "garbage"  I made this topic to show how some of the "best" "top" brids aren't what they think they are or what people say they are. You complain about youtuber rank how u get flame only its because you cause the flame you legit start the flame lmfao along with sini and craig. I didn't flame the fact you said I flamed you is a joke you and craig talking about my  "cancer" parents is a flame I never said anything to disrespect either of you retards. I complain about the server because its true the combat system is fucked up everyone knows it even yoobs ive seen yoobs even complain about it which shows a lot. 

    Just stop trying to make yourself look better man you lost this fight idc how many ppl dick ride you I speak my mind. 

    10 minutes ago, Sinister said:

    You seem it :kappa:


    im best pker

    coolio sini

    • Upvote 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, Sinister said:

    Where did i even mention alts, you're so lost you're just making things up, i don't even have to dickride anyone i'm one of the best pkers on the server and my mates just happen to be the other top pkers, it's not my fault we have 0 competition, hence why we moved to other servers and OSRS, they work and people with thumbs pk there.

    You pj'd Jake and i hit you off, cry me a river.

    "I'm one of the" come on dude just stop you are legit giving yourself titles lmfao...  and I mention alts to show you I'm not scared of fighting you I don't need to lie for your respect cause I don't want it especially on a rsps that don't mean anything to me. I don't care about what you do but as long as you dick ride and complain of how "bad" I am to your friends you will always be a moron to me. At least I'm man enough to tell people who are actually better then me that they are good like yoobs. I respect yoobs because he knows when to stop and when its time to just realize you aren't the #1 pker and let that ego go and realize someone can actually kill you or be as just as good as you. Yeah yoobs is good I'm not saying he is bad but you just need to let that stop getting to your head.. ppl can beat you lmfao you wont win every fight man. I know I'm not the best but at least I can say that without thinking twice about it.

    You might as well stop because everything u say don't matter.. You start shit for no reason like I said and complain. 

    I pjd jake because he was fighting a guy in range thats not a real fucking fight lmfao he was still full inv and i didnt care you pjed me lmfao you really think id be butt hurt ? 

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