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Posts posted by ItsKevo

  1. 1 hour ago, Yoobs said:

    Implying your opinion is relevant at all? Dont disrespect staff...

    Alex was going to work on it a while ago before he left his developer position. Not sure if there is still plans to make it :)

    Oooooo, so there was a developer that actually attempted to make the game display re-sizeable? Hmmmm... maybe there's still that source code of it and hopefully, a developer can finish up the source code.

  2. I usually play on my desktop computer because it runs more faster and smoother and I usually use my laptop and macbook for school purposes.

    And yes, I know that you can just simply plug in a HDMI cable from the laptop to the TV but I'm pretty sure that not everybody has a HDMI cable lmao.

    Other than that, if we are able to make the game re-sizeable, it would make PKing more easier because we have a better vision on what we're doing and don't have to squint our eyes on the monitor or get up close to the monitor lol.

  3. I actually wish that the game would be re-sizeable because it enhances pvping due to the fact that you can see things better.

    Some people may say that they can still see things perfectly without the game maximized but there are other players like me who play on a modern, HD monitor.


    And yes, I know that it is possible to code the client to make the client re-sizeable because I played on multiple servers and they have this feature. 

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