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Posts posted by Codiac

  1. Would be nice if movement/running was fixed. Makes it really hard to get away from people when you're trying to tank and your character starts running in the wrong direction. Goes vice-versa, makes it really hard to catch someone when your character is randomly running back and forth

    When you get TB'd but you're able to make it to safe, you should be able to pray at an alter or talk to someone and it will clear the TB.

    Untradeables should not protect over items of lesser value in the pkp shop. For example, dragon defender should not protect over VLS especially when I can just pickup the defender upon death. Also there is other problems with item protections. Tent and TSOTD protects over AGS..??

    I find the serp helm to be extremely underused, partly because of the price and partly because of the amount of scales it just eats up. Would be cool if the serp was maybe repriced around 4k maybe?

    Prayer delays. I read in someones NH guide on here(can't find, may have been removed) that prayer delays are on purpose because its like that on OSRS.....???? That's completely untrue. There is no prayer delay on OSRS considering you can literally prayer flick.

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