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Everything posted by Lightwork

  1. Spy network re-calibrated 7/10 He has good manners aswell, some youts need to learn from him.
  2. I can't seem to comprehend why people are getting happy at killing me? i told u that i don't tab cuz im not a lightweight kc farmer that eats at 90 (dragonsmokeyladz), another thing is that im using 9% so why u getting happy. I give credit to good hybrids who understand the etiquette of baffage. Anyone who wants to get calibrated just pme me in game. Dr4g0nbosomething red skull kc eat at 90 guy has recalibrated, 3.8/10 just like his good friend sm0key. He killed me several times with his max gear vs my preset brid gear, however i can see his methods of baffage are very similar to sm0key.
  3. DIZZIE, 2/10 (not accurate as only 1 fight and lasted 13s, but this yout was flaming me after and i could tell he had low levels of baffery) 187 killer 3/10
  4. 777777777770, 3.2/10.
  5. Seems like the kid needs to prove it to himself, firstly we had multiple fights and i finished u in the first 1, secondly only reason u kill me is because i don't tab. if u really are that desperate to prove to yourself that u are near my caliber then rest assured i will increase ur rating by .1 . Many people people on the list in my opinion are far better than you, but in terms of battle you would probably win however that is not due to your skill it is only because u literally always ate around 80 in every fight meaning that u could do more within a given time of a melee session within a brid battle. Hybridding revolves around switches and the art of baffage, u gotta learn to baff the baffer. and in ur case lad u have very average skills of baffery and switchery. I am rating all players while i brid them, killing me is a bonus but the rating does not revolve mainly around that aspect. No worries fam seems like ima have to use 11% instead of 10.8% have to teach you some manners since you seem to be acting brave lately. Lightwork. fiber D***, 2/10 none of that profanity ladz yh
  6. Just realised that i cant edit my posts, anyways ima clarify something for those complaining about ratings. I'm rating using a certain yard stick or ground to determine these ratings. if i rate sm0key on how good he is compared to me when i was 4 then he would be like 9/10 but i am rating using my ability at 15% as a basis. Therefore these ratings are all relative to my ability at the given percentage. New ratings: Dose of fury 8/10
  7. Basically turns out most brids on this game are lightwork, especially the youts that eat at 90 and tp at 50. so ossy man like me has created a list of the ratings of different brids. If you want me to rate you than we must have a calibration bridding session in order for me to determine your level. ps, I am only able to use up to 50% of my true ability, however i have found that around 10-11% is optimal for the majority of the players currently playing. The reason i cannot use above 50% is due to the fact that i am a compassionate player do not like to make people feel bad, therefore if i do decide to enter the realm of 50% the server would most likely crash ruining the fun for everyone due to the overload of the magnetic flux density resonating with the hydraulic systems of my switches. Ratings: (ratings based on my ability at 15%) (will change overtime with more people and recailbrations) Lightwork 15%, 10/10 1III1 (that kingpaki yout), 3.2/10 I dont dance, 5.7/10 Spy network 6/10 bind u dead 4/10 sm0key890343 or wtever his name is, 3.8/10 (trust he is lightwork, just safes with max gear, calm) Dr4gon smthin walk about with red skull guy idk his name, same as sm0key but abit better, 4.3/10 Wastemen G, 7.5/10 i've calibrated some other youts but i dont remember them exactly so i will update this as time passes. pm me in game if u want me to calibrate
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