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Posts posted by KronosCloud

  1. But, did you do a virus scan of the virus scan link, otherwise how would we know it's safe to click the link that shows the other link is safe?

    It's generic in some respects, not a fan of the loop. The cropping isn't perfect but satisfactory, the text for the link should be bolded and bigger, the shade should be a different color to be more noticeable. The player online thing staying at 999 isn't plausible. 

    Good job overall. 

    Thanks I changed it a little bit just to make it cleaner, it's nowhere near my best work just something quick I thought would be fun to do again thanks for the feedback.

    Very simple. I hate little jQuery scrolling backgrounds...But that's my personal opinion.
    I agree with Castial, about the text & links.

    How long have you been 'web dev' for?


    I made it simple because I prefer websites without a bunch of text and stuff all over them, as for the background couldn't think of anything else to do for it and I thought the scrolly thing would be cool, I'll stop it from scrolling though.

    I started web development for backend stuff like control panels etc about 2 months ago. but the actual frontend design stuff I started just under a month ago.

  2. So basically I am a Web Dev and Software Dev and I came across this server and thought it'd be cool to redesign the homepage.

    I am still learning to make nice websites so I was hoping I could get some feedback into the site itself.

    So you can view it here: http://kronoscloud.com/roat/

    If you think the link is fake or something I did a virus total scan of the URL so you know it's safe

    Here is the link: https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/e4e10c95e97cb7f3d65662a1f351e16cb27b4edede7c11b6baf0dfd36e176dce/analysis/1440556892/


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