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Posts posted by lionking69

  1. I was playing osrs, I went off, and the next day everything is gone. Here's my bank.




    Bank was cleaned, everything was gone. My void was alched, everything was gone.


    uhm, don't talk to anyone over the Ethernet. ' either something like this happens. or ' they find you an murder you for anything they wish to state is there reason ' lesson learned hopefully. the Ethernet is a very deadly thing if not time consuming an a waste of time unless you know how to use it efficiently....... forgot to mention jagex could also be going through anyone or persons accounts, that say anything generally not related to runescape such as ' a private server which again is against the rules. to state other ' websites that are illegal so therefore your account is not protected by law of forged theft. anything of the like would have set this steps in motion towards your account, I myself mentioned an bot site once via friends chat, 12 hours later the bot wouldn't work anymore. its very simple. do not start something you cant finish or know about without knowing you can fix it

  2. bascily for gretar only. there is an issue id like to state you say that you can harrase otherwise ' state a few comments, without going to far or over an above the normal attitude of most other players while pking. ' such as the wilderness area should be fixed so that you wont be jailed. for ' language ' was just jailed via wild, for ' saying a person breaking rules "ragging" .... stating that he was breaking rules, then he taunts that he can break rules, I called him one ' word ' for breaking rules. an taunting that he can break rules. an log on another account. which I can post if you would like to go along with this suggestion. thanks, take care

  3. goes both ways, if he said anything rude to you . you have rights to say he's worse.. describeing your own thoughts or opinion is perfectly ok, even saying that you think he kicked you, via ingame. other wise abuse, or punishing for no reason, or to fix an account. but still you can say what you want, without full proof of both parties. to say anything such as your a liar, wheres the proof your lieing, but he wouldn't have to do that unless you proved that he did in some way. take care, love the idea of making the post though... much better then most people although I would simply put it this way, sorry for saying you did something, woppsies, my bads. hehehe. but if they said something back like your dumb stupid or something else. well whoever or whenever they did it, they either are immature, or retarted. or just a child. ' gg on the post tho, lol kinda funny ;p not too funny though. somepeople do that, I do myself when theres enough evidence to think that. but that's just a idea. or statement, whoopty fucking doo. right ;d take care

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  4. No offence but if you fall for that like 2k13 lure thats sad.

    sorry its sad. for you to lose your bank. dafuk does that mean. its sad that players will do that to newer ones. but saying its sad, for someone to lose there bank to a person whos looking to kill someone unlegit is ' right' an the person falling for a trick. is sad , all of you are sad lel. teach me how to lure or gtfo. there should be a guide to how to lure, if its sad to be lured an fall for it apperntly    IT IS SAD, THAT YOU ARE NEW. AN NO BODY CARES FOR YOU.

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