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  1. I agree that with good gear, Zulrah is a decent moneymaker but all of that good gear requires a decent amount of PKP first that new players or returnees don't have. Grinding Zulrah on a less than 1000 pkp budget makes the task not worth it. Also, the PKP drop isn't every kill and only drops every other kill or sometimes less.
  2. Hi everyone As the title states, I'm curious whether it would be possible to buff Zulrah's PKP drop? Currently, Zulrah only drops PKP every other kill (roughly) and for an amount that's always less than 100. Earning this drop alongside the usual scales isn't very rewarding at all compared to the task required to get this drop. What I'm suggesting: A consistent, guaranteed PKP drop on every kill (this wouldn't require an increase in PKP on drop) and/or More PKP points given on drop. I think the other drop items are pretty balanced, most aren't worth any PKP but is reasonable considering Zulrah is a low risk boss. Zulrah is great because it gives new players the chance to grind in-game currency when they don't have enough to move onwards with and it does so without the threat of PKers resetting all the progress they're making. Let me know what you guys think & if this is a good idea. Thanks.
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