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mr muscle

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Everything posted by mr muscle

  1. Yeah but its not that, he even admits to scamming me, so that makes it okay?? the fact he admits to it being a scam and nothing being done about it worries me, so what your telling me is i should go scam people in the duel arena, if i'm skilled enough for them to accept with them seeing my scam then it doesn't count as a scam, I respect your points but a major server like this should be dealing with these things not ignoring them, makes me kinda regret donating like 50+ dollars to it
  2. We were staking for 1.2k pkps, 600 pkps each when "Chimeng Vang" pulls out a donor cape that gives her extra bonuses which led to her victory during the stake, if you can tell by the image below, it was a close stake meaning I would have won if she did not put on that cape, that still does not defeat the fact that she scammed me, a "donator" like my self scammed in the duel arena, this should not be tolerated, I hope to get reimbursed with my pkps and I would like Chimeng Vang to face the consequences for her actions, thank you.
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