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Everything posted by NotJoeMomma

  1. i get being toxic is part of pking but it isn't called for tbh, you can code the word out of the chat. but on topic, those who say the only hit the "big" streamers is completely wrong. they hit small streamers more...you just hear about the big ones
  2. so i have been playing on here a 2 days now and something i have seen a lot of is racist comments. i asked staff and they stated that its not part of rules. so Question is do streamers and YT creators realize that they can get there accounts banned for having racist comments in the chat when Live streaming or Videos. I personally applied to be a streamer but i wont risk my Twitch account for some in game money lol What is your opinion?
  3. watching this video i thought the exact same thing but then again i started pking on "classic:" when it came out lol but video its sell was pretty good i personally like comentary
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