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Everything posted by Malachai

  1. If there is a chaos elemental drop table showing everything chaos ele drops can someone tell me? or can a staff member tell me what it all drops? Thanks.
  2. These are simply suggestions. im not only going to add cosmetics lmao
  3. Okay... but that wasnt the point of my reply lol. you made it sound like everything im putting here is for castlewars shop, but its not. And these are simply suggestions, whether they get implemented or not idrc tbh, just putting them out there.
  4. Ive said it before but ill say it again, these are not all just to be in castlewars shop, only the castlewars armor. everything else is intented to either be spawnable or in pkp shop
  5. Updated 11/12/15 5:19PM EST. Added-Black dragonhide (g)
  6. A few times yes, a couple other times it said "try again in 60 seconds"
  7. Oh thats weird, it seems fine for me today, it was just really fucked up for me last night,
  8. Idk ive been having the same problem, my internet is the best i can buy, and i had several things and 2 other games running in the background and nothing dc'd or lagged except roatz. i dc'd 10 within 25 minutes last night.
  9. I meant only for the castlwars items as castlwars items, i didnt mean for the boots to be in castlewars shop. sorry for the confusion
  10. Damn... cant even imagine the frustration that would have happened if that was me and died from it and lost the divine lol.
  11. http://imgur.com/y4c3FmB dc'd and when i logged back in i dc'd before i even logged back in. Rly
  12. Not currently selling or buying anything
  13. https://gyazo.com/d2c38d52580dcf004268a6fd86e548bc
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