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Everything posted by Skimasks

  1. Void has become easily the most over powered build in the game. Pretty sure it worse than chaotics. CCB and void hits constant 30s in 92's and adding ACB made it even worse. Seeing back to back 40's with an ACB isnt even uncommon. Its so OP it to the point that if you pray range, void will still out tank you. 92 is just filled with voiders, there's no diversity anymore. Not to mention voiders constantly rush with dbow and the restore spec makes this even worse. This could easily be fixed if anti-fires would work. 1. Fix Void 2. Fix the fucking prayers. Its been SIX YEARS. 3. Fix anti-fires.
  2. When can we actually see some useful updates? I could not give a shit about selling my untradeables back to the pkp shop or seeing blue icon next to a staff's name. I care about pking without my client DISCONNECTING or crashing...... or actually being able to click somewhere on the minimap and my character not running back and forth like a spastic and not even reaching the spot where i clicked. People are constantly donating to the server, and you think the issues that are biggest problems would actually be fixed.
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