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Everything posted by Dirty_Slut

  1. Wasn't being disrespectful. I'm entitled to an opinion, surely? Please don't talk down to me. Anyway, I appreciate the help.
  2. Having messaged a few server support players over this, they're horribly useless. No offence, but I don't see what use they are. "Check your junk folder." I'm not 12, I've checked every folder I have and my registration email has NOT came through. I've resent it numerous of times and waited quite a while now. If somebody could actually help me, it'd be really appreciated. Not very impressed. Thank you, A Dirty Slut.
  3. Nah, I slap her around the face instead.
  4. I'm a pretty chilled out fucking guy. Honestly, I can take a lot of glitches, bugs and disconnections. But 5 today? Isn't my connection. I'm on other RSPS' and 07 and I'm running fine. I'm mid pure fight with some dude and as I'm fighting, my screen says "Loading - Please wait." So I wait several seconds and had no other choice than to X-log. Of course I knew when I loaded the client up I'd be fucking dead. Fucking sort it out. And as this isn't punishable, fuck you. You've got an amazing player count, yet you can't stop the dc's and bugs? C'mon lads... https://gyazo.com/b98bd60744c2683aa0e075c84e79cfcc
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