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Posts posted by Killbob

  1. In-game name: Killbob
    How long have you been playing?: 2-3 years Honestly don't remember
    Can anyone verify how long you have been playing? (3 years +): I don't know anyone off my head, could try and ask other vets though.

  2. img%22Global Admin(s)

    Don't see you on very much anymore, don't know why but not a bad staff member


    Same with yoobs don't see you very much, don't have much to say about you.


    Not a bad staff member usually active and always trying to help.

    img%22Global Moderator(s)

    Next update add one? 0.0

    img%22Player Moderator(s)

    Very helpful and an active pker, other staff can learn from him.

    img%22Forum Moderator(s)

    Never had any problems with you.

    img%22Server Support
    Bind U Dead

    Should probably be promoted in my opinion. Very active and helpful

    Love Wings

    Always trying to help


    Don't see you often, but when I do you are trying to help people

    John der

    same with ban152

  3. I don't know if this happens to other people, but when I log on sometimes people from my friends list are removed from them and it's usually not just 1 or 2 people but a few and I don't understand how this could happen. If someone could explain this to me would be very helpful.

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