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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. lol, out of all the comments.. gretar likes taylors. Update - Never Mind, I should've read the name first lol, my bad
  2. This might come off a little bit random to some of you, but.. something happened last night and it taught me a valuable lesson, life is way too short to be sitting around and "flaming" and saying what I've said over the last few years to pretty much 90% of the roatpkz community. Anyways, I acted like a child over a video game and that's nothing to be proud of. Therefore am I sending out a sincere apology to the roatpkz community, I have no further intentions on acting the way I've been acting and that's going to change. from now on, I plan on just pking and i'm done with "ragging" it's just one big time consuming problem. I'm sending out a sincere apology to these people especially and the rest of the roatpkz community for how I've treated you guys. I know i'm going to get a bunch of flames or hate messages, but whatever, I know what I've done. Castial Xbrzh (Arun) N0lat Dox your nan (When I was on Steven's account, I may have said a few things, and i'm sorry) Peetruck Afro Eden Hazard Looty Bolewicki Mr Jake Kevin X D or King Kevin Battlefield (Rob) Huskey64 Zammypvp Grif Symphony Hasham Droopy Drawers Sophia She Rags Ryan6539 (I Believe that's his username) Yoobs It's a long list, i'm sure I've forgotten most of you, but if I have, I apologize, please let me know who you are specifically and we'll talk ingame or here. To the people who stuck by me while I treated this community like garbage, I thank you. Ungrateful Craig Chris Price Popbob Anchor Pure A24 Oboomo (Friend and Foe at the same time) Ism0kepurp (You're honestly a great friend, thank you for everything sam) Thebloodlust Objective I guess I could consider Kevin and Chris old friends, they decided to reject me for some reason, still can't figure out why.. but oh well. Savior1st Z Z B A T Hamitoksaets Orbital Vsat G0d of life Nickcallan Rylan I Shake I Icy Brandon aka Claws ft Ags Chouties Sinister (We didn't get along much, but tbh you were always pretty cool to me until you decided to perm me lol) Smexy Remiix Peyton Tom Wade Spotty G Ignorance Bailey Jay Ghettoking28 Robes Jake (Queen Beez) Stijn Gandy and who could forget My Boy Bride Chucky Again, If I missed anyone.. please let me know..
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