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the bunkey

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Everything posted by the bunkey

  1. Most of you all know Vestas the keyboard warrior using the yell chat box.He constantly tries to start arguments with anyone/anything on this game behind a computer screen. He pretends that he doesn't "feel" like pking because all he does is log on to camp the chaos elemental all day to get divine when he doesn't even use it. In reality, he cannot because because he is permed by everyone on the server. He will most likely call you a virgin and tell you that making a 100k before graduating college in realistic over private message. He will add "l0l0l0l0l0" after his terrible jokes or after he dies multiple times as you can see in the pictures because he really has some issues in life. We should start a Help Vestas Foundations because this kid has a hard life dealing with some mental issues in/out of school. Thank you guys for your support.
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