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Posts posted by Spankyy

  1. ***reposting seeing as your shiteball staff have aired it for like a week now***



    IGN: Pure Slut

    I came back to my account and it was dead, lost a complete max set, acb, 3a mage hat etc etc. But I still have my killstreak, which suggests I died to an NPC, but there are none to die to. Could a staff member check the logs and see what I died to, and if this can't be solved could I have my items refunded, I can list what I had. Cheers

  2. If you lost items due to the update please fill this for below:

    IGN: Pure Slut

    Items lost: Acb, Toxic, Tent, Ags, Vesta Plateskirt, Morrigans top, Eternal Boots, Acb, Gmaul, 3a mage hat.

    How did you lose them: Randomly died when I came back to my client, killstreak intact, outline in a seperate thread but no response.

  3. Hey,

    IGN: Pure Slut

    I came back to my account and it was dead, lost a complete max set, acb, 3a mage hat etc etc. But I still have my killstreak, which suggests I died to an NPC, but there are none to die to. Could a staff member check the logs and see what I died to, and if this can't be solved could I have my items refunded, I can list what I had. Cheers

  4. Alright, this is a must, didn't really risk fight toooo much recently, back in the day an easter egg would tank everything so didn't really need to worry. But Guthix Rests are a must on every server with active high risking or even just dharok pking. There isn't a risk fight or fight in general that goes down on the whole server where safe isn't mentioned once, because we cant have mini eats, the smallest one we can do is like a brew, or possibly a purple sweet, but they don't have the same effect. 

    Just a suggestion, think it'd be a small update that'd make a big difference.

    Safe x

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