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About Sirfluffybum

Roat Pkz Information

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  1. I see people dropping 250+ votes at a time.. Like, how is that not messing with the economy lmfao... Not only does it depreciate Vote items, but if they're claiming pkp items.. They're also making them easier to obtain.. Even the pkp points.. That's an extra 25,000 pkp points randomly generated and put into the server if opted for that option. Don't get me wrong votes are great for getting the server known, but at the cost of a already broken economy.. Also at saying its a broken economy, you can't deny its not.. Since when does items you have to pay real money for become less than items you get out of vote packages lmfao. IE > 200pkp for a phat, yet can receive 5-6 items more than 200pkpt out of a vote which was for free.
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