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Posts posted by Pyd

  1. I agree with this ofc. I actually don't understand why chaotics wouldn't be removed. This content more than takes the place of it, especially if these items will be dropped at a higher rate at the newly-proposed 'donator dungeon'. Of course the more items the better the economy because the wealth will be spread out more but I think a decision needs to be made what this server is going to become.

    If it were my server:
    Removed all pvp armor, weapons, and chaotics
    Thus making bandos/arma/ahrims the maximum bonuses

    What I would be content with:
    Removal of chaotics
    Keeping pvp armor and weapons

    Even though I feel like that itself is a bit of content overload with just the removal of chaotics. Pvp Armor is OP, there's many, many pvp items already in the game and I feel as though by just removing chaotics there would still be a scape goat to camp vls/stat ham because people will always use the most op gear on a pk server.

    If there still is pkp armor (which is a 95% chance) I think the prices need to be raised exponentially so there isn't just a shift from people prodding chaotics to people prodding pvp armor/weapons, especially in the pure community.

  2. Chaotics wont be fully removed they will most likely be drops and also tradeable which gives them value and makes less people use them in-game for things like ragging. 07 items will be coming in-game soon there's no actual date. Olvs there's no actual confirmation on whats happening with them. I like the idea of the pvp armors being worth more also.

    Even if chaotics were put to the Chaos ele or future wilderness bosses with a high drop rate that would still be a big step forward from them being spawnable :) Plus hopefully Ovls are removed and replaced with Super combat pots which would also cost pkp :)

  3. Since i heard 07 items are apparently coming to Roat and "hopefully" that cancer we call chaotics and custom fire capes are going to be removed? I figured I'd give you all my ----> unlicensed professional opinion <---- on what items should not be spawnable and pkp values etc. Pretty pointless but im bored so yeah :)




    Arma Crossbow

    Staff of the Dead

    Male Ward

    Odium Ward

    Serpentine Helm

    Dragon Defender (can't remember if this was an option)

    Fury (or)- Not sure whether this should be spawnable or not because its cosmetic but i guess it would be nice to see people actually have to pay for something some what unique.

    Plus leave all current unspawnables in the PKP shop and maybe remove ring of flying(LOL) 

    With all these items being placed in the Pkp shop i DO NOT think they should have a ridiculously high Pkp value. Maybe values ranging from 200-2k Pkp (obviously this would be a community decision?)




    I think all of these items should have an extremely high Pkp value (similar to Vestas current value) or maybe even take them out of the Pkp shop completely and put them to the current wilderness boss or a new one considering it's the most powerful item for each of the slots.

    Also i think Abyssal Tentacle and Occult Necklace should be moved to Pkp shop and only have items such as Spirit shields/Vesta and other Pvp armour.


    This is all under the assumption that Chaotics/Ovls and other cancerous items are removed :) I've probably missed alot but lemme know what you think!











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