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Everything posted by Zii

  1. Says I "Didn't kill him" but I clearly did. lmao so shit https://gyazo.com/e14e56dcf713c9e6fae9dab2f2927adf https://gyazo.com/941ac0f2bd3a3cc1e962f83879cf289a
  2. Selling Musketeer set, Ive been told its around 400k+ if you are interested in buying pm me in game Zii
  3. 1: Magic Fang is messed up 2: Candle missing on altar 3: voting isnt green its read 4: The logo of the water is blue not red 5: Abuse report is backwards 6: The box at the bottom with the colors isnt correct 7: The equipment and prayer icons are switched 8: the scroll bars in the chat are reversed 9: the tools on the settings are back to front (switched) 10:there is no general store symbol
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