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  1. TOURNAMENT CHANGES There are currently nine tournaments spread from Monday through to Sunday, with two tournaments a day on the weekend; these being, Main Pk, Zerker, Pure Nh, Tribrid, Welfare, F2P, Pure, Dharoks, Hybrid. In this post I will highlight the overarching issue with tournaments in general, then proceed to provide suggestions to improve each individually. Additionally, at the end of the post, I will list some minor 'quality of life' suggestions. PRIMARY ISSUE & SOLUTION This section is based on the fundamental principle that, given that the tournament rewards yell tags claiming that the holder is the "#1" on the server in a certain PKing style, the tournaments should be won by skill (or, sometimes, RNG in the case of the Edge PKing tournaments). ISSUE: The current banking system that provides gear for players is inherently flawed. This is because it allows for choice, and thus potential vast variation in set-ups. Potential for variation results in randomness and hence participants are able to gain an advantage over others unrelated to their respective skill levels, which violates the fundamental principle I stated previously. SOLUTION: Upon entering the tournament through the portal at Home players are given a predefined gear set-up specifically designed for that tournament; the bank booth in the waiting area would be removed and replaced with an NPC to whom participants could talk in order to reload the tournament set-up (to allow for regearing and accidentally eating food/drinking potions). This would resolve the serious issue of participants being able to gain an advantage over others by, for example: bringing less gear switches to increase the amount of food in their inventory or bringing max magic bonus gear in hybrid with no switches and farcasting the whole fight. A more diverse version of this solution would be to have the previously mentioned NPC allow participants to choose from a number of predefined set-ups (this would allow for variation in spec weapon, for example). ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION: Brew and rocktail cap specific to each tournament... [EDITING] INDIVIDUAL TOURNAMENT SUGGESTIONS PURE NH The image above shows my suggestion, based on OSRS, for the predefined set-up to be used in the Pure Nh tournament. As mentioned previously, an NPC could offer alternate set-ups; such as, one including blood runes, one without the two brews and one less sanfew and one which combined both of those (obviously, too many options may over-complicate things). TRIBRID Maximum four Saradomin brews used in this set-up to ensure fights do not go on for too long, given the tournament situation. Alternate set-up for vls. HYBRID In the case of the two hybrid tournaments, given that I am not overly experienced in the PKing style, the set-up shown is simply an example. WELFARE As before. DHAROKS Max gear and only two Saradomin brews used here because, otherwise, fights can be much too slow, especially in a tournament scenario. Alternate set-up for vls. MAIN PK I am not convinced about the necessity of this tournament given dharok is also a form of main edge PKing and more interesting form, at that. I would suggest changing this tournament to something else; for example, void range, zerk hybrid, zerk nh, pure melee, etc. Alternatively, this tournament could remain (with set-up options for bandos, dharok, etc) and the dharok tournament could be replaced. ZERKER Alternate set-up for vls. PURE Given that there's a huge amount of variation in pure edge PKing, I would suggest it's best to choose to make this specifically either range or melee tournament and, then, using the NPC suggestion, add set-ups for AGS/gmaul and such like. F2P Make this an exclusively R2h tournament given that's most representative of F2P PKing. Alternate set-ups could replace the rune 2h with a rune battleaxe, for example, however, I'm not convinced that's necessary. QUALITY OF LIFE SUGGESTIONS I have a few quality of life suggestions, the latter two of which are minor and stem more from my own perfectionist tendencies than any objective legitimate issue. 1. Add a PKP reward for finishing in the top eight (currently, only the top four are rewarded), perhaps 25 times the number of players entered. 2. Change the tournament names to be more consistent and easier to interpret; I would suggest: Pure Nh, Max Nh, Max Hybrid, Welfare Hybrid, Dharok, Main, Zerker [Edge], Pure [Edge] and F2P [R2h]*. 3. Change the barricades in the fight arena to more of the rope fencing which is used everywhere else in the tournaments (perfectionism :P). *square brackets indicate a potential addition to make the name more specific. Please leave suggestions & feedback, especially regarding the set-ups - if you are experienced in hybridding, for example, and see a problem, please post it! [ADDING ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION BASED ON FEEDBACK THUS FAR]
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