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Everything posted by 6ix

  1. forsure bro, i think imma do that
  2. tbh idk if i even want a custom, whats the point, but yeah bro i'll pace it!
  3. sheeesh nice bro, maybe i can get up to that lmao, at 1.4m now
  4. https://gyazo.com/de7b4b86a97c1da038de556e454815cf IM DUMMY HYPED LMFAO. i made this shit in less than 40 mins w a mf vesta chainbody yall.. 100k off 1m.
  5. rare ass ring, selling for 300k pm me ign its "youngcrip" i want it gone asap cause i need pkp for other shit
  6. buying 1.4k dps please pm me ing : youngcrip
  7. for sure bro, lets hope i can do it again!
  8. laughing i lost it guys lmaooooooo
  9. Some of yall may have seen my turn over of 4k post a few days ago, well guys, ofc i lost it, but today i started with 2k.. i used this 2k to get to 10k and it started from there. my bank is currently sitting at 340kish! hopefully this time i have learned how to not lose it like last time but enjoy i thought this was kinda dope
  10. my ign not 6ix its "youngcrip" so if you would like to sell me any of these please add youngCRIP and pm! selling yellow phat n buying super donator, please pm
  11. So yesterday i got zuriels top.. sold for 4k n staked, heres what i made in 1 day, its over 200k (ex, arcane being over 20k ect) but yeah hope this can grow, will probably end up doing a giveaway n yeah just wanted to post this on here! feel free to add me n we can pvm together or something
  12. 6ix


    my ign not 6ix its "youngcrip" so if you would like to sell me any of these please add youngcrip and pm! but i am buying: Claws donator trident of swamp and if yall have any other shit i might buy just depends, feel free to trade n show me!
  13. 6ix

    Very Confused

    yes how can I pm you?
  14. 6ix

    Very Confused

    Ive tried many usernames, says macbanned
  15. Hey, So recently I was on Runelocus and found you guys, watched a ton of YouTube videos n seemed super fun, I downloaded the server and tried to log in, I always use the username of "6ix" now I've never played roat pkz before which is why I'm super confused but when I try to log in and play it tells me I am banned yet I have never played this server before. Please let me know what I can do, thank you
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