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Posts posted by listen2post4fs

  1. I come from a long standing in RSPS playing since 2speced and other servers of the era. battlescape isle and majority of the servers that had PK activity.
    Im not some random noob posting on the forums im a decent player with creditability that you should listen to and not disregard this as useless information.

    I spoke to an admin and he's claimed the server has had PID before. Now removing it was a massive mistake. Pid has been around on RS since about 2007, maybe before but it's been around for a long time.

    it's a crucial core combat fundemental. it's very deciding on who can get that kill. you play pid right and you can play pid wrong. It changes a lot of combat structure un noticed by the average player and that's probably why some noobs posted on forums about it, because if you can play with PID. it can be OP.

    Without PID it's a bit sluggish, the combat system is good but pid is definately appreciated.

    Just a quick reminder that the majority of the oldschool players what play nowadays which are very skilled at pking in high level teams/clans do not POST ON FORUMS. they simply cant be assed and they know it's a pointless shout. Forums are filled with a lot of noobs, no offence. The decision to remove PID blags me, as it's quite a complicated thing to code.. so i heard.

    ROATSPK in the back of majority of players brains was that server with full spawn and no wilderness activity, atleast in mine anyway.

    That's until i tried roatzpk as 97 percent of the servers out there are shit. dawntained is the worst cb system iv ever seen and the rest are prettty embarrasing competition.

    RSPS pking is about combat system, 100 percent. Roatzpk delivers. However we need to remember the old roatzpk.



    We remember when it was full spawn with 0 wilderness activity. now it's been cleaned up and wilderness is pretty active (ice giants,44s,wilderness keys)

    It needs to be advertised that way. I suggest you do an event at ::44s , ::MB and so on. a NH event. Bring people there. AND take a screenshot and update your runelocus,top list and so on to show that you've changed the way your sever is played. SHOW THE PLAYERS deep wilderness is now active, REMOVE old photos of your shops and show THE PLAYERS that your now SEMI SPAWN not everybody has access to ahrims and dharoks. Advertise the new roats PK to the players. It's good.



    - Add pid back, 100 percent. dont listen to people on forums good players dont even register.
    - Add worthwhile drops at magebank so people wait outside. Tickets as points instead of automaticly adding to account, or pkp drops.

    - Remove old pictures on runelocus etc and show your semi-spawn and advertise active wilderness.(Show new shops and deep wilderness activity)
    - More wilderness spots need bosses, (easts etc) getting max mage is so long.
    - Add void to slayer shop. :P (personal one there)

    - Advertise roatspk more to how it is today, it's stuck in a lot of peoples heads how it used to be. It's different now and way better.
    -Add pid

    -Add pid


    I hope pid is added by next week atleast. it's been in the game for a reason for such a long time. You need pid, it effects more than you think.

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