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Smackd last won the day on July 11

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About Smackd

  • Birthday 05/19/2007

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  1. Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the clan Cup will be moved up 1 day early, to Saturday, June 13th, 20:00 GMT. Thank you,
  2. Roat Pkz Clan Cup πŸ† The Roat Pkz Clan Cup will be 5v5 Multi Fights. That means 5 members per clan and you're never fighting more than 1 clan at a time (hence 5v5). The Clan Cup will have a bracket based system (example of bracket system) and each round will have up to 3 fights, first clan to win 2 battles goes through the next round. After every round clan members can re-stock and prepare for the next fight. The Clan Cup will also be live streamed on YouTube with commentary. You must accumulate 2,000 Clan Points to be able to qualify to sign up your team for a clan cup. (::clancup) Rewards πŸ€‘ 1. 2500M OSRS 2. 1000M OSRS 3. 500M OSRS Tournament Date πŸ—“οΈ Saturday, July 13th - 20:00 Server Time | Full Tournament (Server Time is GMT) Tournament Location ☠️ Every clan will be teleported into their own Wilderness instance, each clan will start where the red dots are and the fog will slowly force players in the middle where the green dot is. No NPC's will be available. The Rules πŸ”¨ 1. You must follow the Roat Pkz Official Rules (No DDOSing). 2. There can only be one entry per person (computer). ITEMS THAT ARE ALLOWED βœ… SOL/SOTD/Staff of Balance/TSOTD Divine rune pouch All Serp helms Black chins Dragon defender, and defender trimmed Ghrazi rapier, blade of saeldor, inquisitor mace Elder Maul Blood fury and regular fury Amulet of fury (or) 3rd age mage hat DFS Ancient Wyvern Dragonfire ward Twisted Buckler Kodai Wand All zenyte jewlery Arcane spirit shield Odium ward Pegasians, Primordials, Eternals, Guardian boots ACB Dragon crossbow Occult Allow torags, veracs, guthans helmet. Brimstone ring Spectral Imbued heart D Claws AGS Karambwans Neitiznot Faceguard Soul Runes ITEMS NOT ALLOWED ❌ Elysian Virtus Voidwaker/Korasi DT2 Rings Torva Masori Justiciar Ancestral Elidinis ward Ancient godsword Osmutens fang Volatile Harmonised Zaryte Bow Lightbearer Vesta, Statius, Morrigans (armor and weapons) Bowfa Dark bow (I) Heavy and Light Ballista Avernic Defender Infernal Cape Zaryte Vambraces Brew Cap Max 10 Saradomin Brews ❔ FAQ ❔ How do I enter the tournament? You can sign your clan up at ::clancup in-game. Will items be supplied like Tournaments? No, we will not supply items for this tournament , you will have to use your own items to participate. Will I lose items in the tournament? No, you will not lose any items you bring to the tournament, they will all be kept on death. Will Rigour & Augury Prayers be disabled? RIGOUR AND AUGURY PRAYERS WILL BE ENABLED FOR EVERYONE! How will you make sure that people don't cheat? Since the tournament will be automatic the server will make sure that the rounds can not start unless everyone is following all item cap rules. I am moving a clan over from a new server/osrs, how do I start on Roat? Every clan is welcome to Roat Pkz and we would be happy to help you out, please message "smckd" or "hemmi" on Discord and he will help get you started & give you tips & answers to all of your questions. Can staff members see my IP? No, Roat Pkz Staff members (Admins & Mods) can not see your IP addresses or mac. Any other questions or suggestions? Please post any other questions or suggestions you have below. πŸ˜ƒ
  3. Roat Pkz Video Competition WINNERS! Thanks to everyone for participating, here are the winners! To claim your winnings - please DM "gretar, hemmi or smckd" on Discord! Anyone who participated can DM "smckd" or "hemmi" on Discord for either 25M OSRS or 25 in-game Credit participation reward! πŸ˜„ Judging these videos was not easy, many videos could have been placed higher or lower. Reminder, this contest was not judged by one singular person, but rather the entire staff team using a point-based system as shown below. Judge Scale 10 Points 1. 8.5 Points 2. 7.5 Points 3. 6.5 Points 4. 5 Points 5. 4 Points 6. 3 Points 7. 2 Points 8. 1 Points 9. 0 Points 10. 0 Points 11. 0 Points 12. 0 Points 13. 1st Place: Wolf & Tesfxye 2nd Place: oMods 3rd place: Boney 4th: Jay 5th: KEKY Now for some honorable mentions, many of these videos missed the top 5 by a point or less. Honorable Mentions NTAKO TR1PPER KATEE HIDE NH TANK KEEHLO 13 Trout Juice Thank you to everyone who entered, this was the best competition we've had to date. Some of these videos outside of the top 5 would have won first place in recent competitions.
  4. Roat Pkz Video Competition! It's about that time again for another classic Roat Pkz PVP video competition! Rules: Video Must be made specifically for this content! (clips should not be older than 1 year), (no old videos). Video must be at least 3 minutes long, and no longer than 7 minutes. Video must be uploaded to YouTube (public) & link to https://roatpkz.com/ in the description. Video must be PvP related - Hybrid - Deep Wild - Edge Pking - etc. No fake clips! Video will be judged based on the quality of clips + edit quality. You may upload team videos/duo videos etc. Rewards: 1. $600 in Donation Credits or 600M OSRS. 2. $300 in Donation Credits or 300M OSRS. 3. $200 in Donation Credits or 200M OSRS. 4. $100 in Donation Credits or 100M OSRS. 5. $50 in Donation Credits or 50M OSRS. Submissions: All Videos must be submitted by Friday, April 5th, 2024. Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. (subject: Roat Pkz Video Competition, body: ign + Youtube URL). ALL Moderators and Administrators will judge this video competition! Winners will be announced the week following! Best of luck to all! 😁
  5. Roat Pkz Clan Cup #36 The Roat Pkz Clan Cup will be 5v5 Multi Fights. That means 5 members per clan and you're never fighting more than 1 clan at a time (hence 5v5). The Clan Cup will have a bracket based system (example of bracket system) and each round will have up to 3 fights, first clan to win 2 battles goes through the next round. After every round clan members can re-stock and prepare for the next fight. The Clan Cup will also be live streamed on YouTube with hosts that are knowledgeable with tribridding & clan fights and will be commentating over the fights. You must accumulate 2,000 Clan Points to be able to qualify to sign up your team for a clan cup. (::clancup) Rewards πŸ€‘ 1. 2500M OSRS 2. 1000M OSRS 3. 500M OSRS Tournament Date πŸ—“οΈ Sunday, February 25th - 20:00 Server Time | Full Tournament (Server Time is GMT) Tournament Location ☠️ Every clan will be teleported into their own Wilderness instance, each clan will start where the red dots are and the fog will slowly force players in the middle where the green dot is. No NPC's will be available. The Rules πŸ”¨ 1. You must follow the Roat Pkz Official Rules (No DDOSing). 2. There can only be one entry per person (computer). ITEMS THAT ARE ALLOWED βœ… SOL/SOTD/Staff of Balance/TSOTD Divine rune pouch All Serp helms Black chins Dragon defender, and defender trimmed Ghrazi rapier, blade of saeldor, inquisitor mace Elder Maul Blood fury and regular fury Amulet of fury (or) 3rd age mage hat DFS Ancient Wyvern Dragonfire ward Twisted Buckler Kodai Wand All zenyte jewlery Arcane spirit shield Odium ward Pegasians, Primordials, Eternals, Guardian boots ACB Dragon crossbow Occult Allow torags, veracs, guthans helmet. Brimstone ring Spectral Imbued heart D Claws AGS Karambwans Neitiznot Faceguard Soul Runes ITEMS NOT ALLOWED ❌ Elysian Virtus Voidwaker/Korasi DT2 Rings Torva Masori Justiciar Ancestral Elidinis ward Ancient godsword Osmutens fang Volatile Harmonised Zaryte Bow Lightbearer Vesta, Statius, Morrigans (armor and weapons) Bowfa Dark bow (I) Heavy and Light Ballista Avernic Defender Infernal Cape Zaryte Vambraces Zamorakian Hasta Brew Cap Max 10 Saradomin Brews ❔ FAQ ❔ How do I enter the tournament? You can sign your clan up at ::clancup in-game. Will items be supplied like Tournaments? No, we will not supply items for this tournament , you will have to use your own items to participate. Will I lose items in the tournament? No, you will not lose any items you bring to the tournament, they will all be kept on death. Will Rigour & Augury Prayers be disabled? RIGOUR AND AUGURY PRAYERS WILL BE ENABLED FOR EVERYONE! How will you make sure that people don't cheat? Since the tournament will be automatic the server will make sure that the rounds can not start unless everyone is following all item cap rules. I am moving a clan over from a new server/osrs, how do I start on Roat? Every clan is welcome to Roat Pkz and we would be happy to help you out, please message "smckd" or "hemmi" on Discord and he will help get you started & give you tips & answers to all of your questions. Can staff members see my IP? No, Roat Pkz Staff members (Admins & Mods) can not see your IP addresses or mac. Any other questions or suggestions? Please post any other questions or suggestions you have below. πŸ˜ƒ
  6. 30M PKP PRIZE POOL! πŸ’Έ Roat Pkz Video Competition! A BIG Video Competition hosted by I PK MAX JR! This competition is a 2 week competition, not like the usual 4 week competitions. You have less time than usual! πŸ—’οΈRules: Video Must be made specifically for this content! (No old videos). Video must be at least 2 minutes long, and no longer than 5 minutes. Video must be uploaded to YouTube (public) & link tο»Ώo https://roatpkz.com/ in the description. Video must be PvP related - Hybrid - Deep Wild - Risk fighting - etc. Something interesting! No fake clips! Video will be judged based on the quality of clips + edit quality. You may upload team videos/duo videos etc. πŸ†Rewards: 1. 12M PKP 2. 7.5M PKP 3. 6M PKP 4. 3M PKP 5. 1.5M PKP Submissions: All Videos must be submitted by Friday, November 17th, 2023. Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. (subject: Roat Pkz Video Competition, body: ign + youtube url). This video competition will be judged by I PK MAX and some staff members of his choice. Note: if you do not submit it to the email linked above, we may not see your submission! Winners will be announced the week following! Best of luck to all!
  7. Roat Pkz Video Competition WINNERS! Thanks to everyone for participating, here are the winners! To claim your winnings - please DM "gretar" on Discord! Anyone who participated can DM "gretar" on Discord for either 20M OSRS or 20 in-game Credit participation reward! πŸ˜„ Judging these videos was not easy, many videos could have been placed higher or lower. Reminder, this contest was not judged by one singular person, rather the entire staff team did. 1st Place: XBL 2nd Place: Jay 3rd Place: Slapped (VPVP) 4th Place: Khaled (2 Wapens) 5th Place: TR1PPER Honorable Mentions: Wolf Swab Sandeus Hatcx Thank-you all for participating, all of the videos were very high quality!
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