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  1. 1st clip is gross ngl
  2. theres more to to the thread than that. but, when they only come out with max clan and focus 10k sets its a joke m8. 3 people nhing in the whole wildy and 10 people come at the same time to scim and 5min tb specing and ::spec and returning doesnt really make the game enjoyable when you're risking 10k and they're get bullied 1v1 games shit lets be honest here, thats why there is no pkers here so idgaf l0l combat system is the main problem these above are just consequences of having a dogshit combat system. but hey, stay in your clan getting 1 fight an hour with me as the ONLY focus hills for spec tab, tab when low tab when on the robes, tab to avoid fights riskzone, the appointed RISK ZONE for 1v1s yes. There may be "no reward" to killing somone with 0-10k for someone who only cares for a pkp gain in a runescape private server if you want that. go to riskzone. find a risker. gamble go make pkp.? I get the argument I just dont see the point, +20-30 wildy, if someone does come out in that they instantly get focused by a team that lets be honest are absolutely dogshit... if you dont wanna get rid of risk protection - add a PJ timer that is long enough to avoid these fkers. is what it is rly, 30-40yr old blokes who never left.
  3. keep risking to hills? Yes there protection drops to 10k till they freeze dd and logout? aaand are they really risking with 10max in max ready for you? there is a ::Riskzone if you want specific risk, shouldn't be throughout the whole wildy... there just isn't enough players
  4. tru tru, am good wid it but theres still like a 0.5% chance you survive a scim to 5min tb with 20 man specing then ::spec and returning on you. Risk protection should NOT be a thing deep wild. and There SHOULD be a PJ timer
  5. Hide out of wildy till you got 10 man backing you
  6. Massed deep wild clans with an inactive nh scene fucks this game. If it were me, remove risk protection or at least don’t have tiers. Have one, 5-10k risk and everyone’s fair game shit is ridiculous. What solo is gna tele up in 50k+ risk to help one of his friends when there’s 15 people in full on max focusing someone with 10k risk? And potentially, as you’ve skewed the game so much already if you risk 10k+ you’re allowed to block teleblocks from being cast on you but you aren’t allowed to tele for 60 seconds after entering the wilderness. And fix ur mage system shit is fucked some guy in dhides catching every freeze wth… and add a 20sec pj timer
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