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Everything posted by Teasers

  1. Agreed, can't speak on everyone. Smoothie does his best but I feel he carries way too much of the staff team load in terms of hosting events, helping, answering questions in yell/dms way more than anyone. Also agree on some staff caring too much about pixels again it's not all. I would definitely say that as a player, it's kind of wild that a good chunk of staff have way more AFK hours then time played. If they're AFK more than they are active, then how are they helping anyone? Again constructive criticism is not applied to everyone on this list but those who do meet the criterion. In a player's opinion and mindset, no bias, no bullshit, just real leadership within makes even games fun for everyone. Not sure what the consensual plan is after this data is collected. But I'd be interested in seeing staff with more AFK hours than time played interviewed and see how useful they are to the player base of Roatz. I also feel that someone should step in to either help smoothie or give him a break. Man is busting his ass daily even after his IRL shit just so most of the staff can piggyback off the success and hard work of someone as vital as Smoothie. Hopefully this gives some insight.
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