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Posts posted by Monkeyking

  1. 23 minutes ago, Xbrzh said:

    Common sense and general knowledge of what it’s meant to be like, you don’t have to play osrs to understand you should hit less on tank than robes, use your brain 

    Kind of confused here? You're suppose to hit higher on armor with mage, less on dhide/range gear, soso on robes. That's how it is on osrs too. So yeah you should hit more on a tank than on robes lol.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Yoobs da king said:

    Gomez already stated above if you had common sense to check i dont want staff ln this server never have but when i applied i got more evidence about what ive been trying to prove for 4 years.

    I'd hate to point out the obvious, but if you hate this servers staff so much. I'm pretty sure there are a few other pking servers out there... Every staff member will always have someone who doesn't like them lol. Doesn't mean you're going to get them demoted. Especially not for the reasons you've provided lol.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Yoobs da king said:

    None of you that posting right now have never once looked deep into the staff team because you would rather spend time making money and fighting thats how the working class is they keep you all fighting with one another while they get away with bull shit so no one has the time to realise how badly you guys are being fucked over.

    Uh yeah we all worry about making money and fighting  in-game because it's kind of the point of this particular private server lol.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Yoobs said:

    You didnt tell me to drop it you said "its pointless asking you for help your not going to do anything" when i couldnt even do anything. You deleted me off your friends list first yet your complaining about me ignoring you after you were being rude. A lot of people dont think im right and i dont get mad at them, dont try and be disrespect to me then complain when im disrespect back. All the things you are listing in this message are completely irrelevant do you even understand the meaning of ignorant (dont google it)

    So were going to just drop this post now, please don't put words in my mouth lol. I deleted you off my friends list, but sadly that didn't stop you from continuing to call me an asshole... & I apologize if you thought I was angry with you, but I didn't say "It's pointless asking you for help, your not going to do anything" because I understand that you can't unjail me if I have to mine ore, it's a great method to jail people. But isn't offensive language against the rules? How are you to enforce rules if you break them as well? Anyways, please do not put words in my mouth I can't stress that enough.

    Bind You Dead, he didn't punish me period, he was Disrespectful when I asked for help though.

  5. Been playing since 2016? Please do go use your commands and look at when this account was made lol. & I don't care yoobs, You're a staff member, you're suppose to be respectful reguardless. I don't care if you agree with me, you had no right to call me an asshole. I told you to drop it, then deleted you. I know it may hurt that everyone doesn't want to be your butt buddy. But get a little damn respect.

  6. yoobs, What the hell did I say to you for you too call me an asshole? I told you to drop it, that's specifically what I said rofl. and then you run your mouth and say asshole then ignore me lol. I didn't flame you, you can say what you want, but you are a little kid who gets mad at anyone who doesn't think you're right instantly or thinks that you are a child. I don't care if I called you a piece of shit, you don't disrespect a player. You called me an ass hole for trying to get you off of my PM because you were being such an ignorant prick. & NO it's not irrelevant, this post will be flooded with all the ignorant comments you make every day I am on.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sinister said:

    lol just grow up he wouldn't flame you unless you pissed him off

    Lol, go to any other big server and tell me what their staff does when players call them retarded, niggers, Mexicans, or anything else, they either ignore them or mute them. Obviously I didn't do anything to "Piss him off" because he probably would of ip banned me being the child he is. that being said, people pay 1000's of dollars to donate to this server, they deserve respect from the staff lol. You guys can ride his dick all you want, but that's just the truth.

  8. I enjoy roatz, but theres a time, when I want to ask an admin a serious question and not get called an asshole for doing so? If you went and donated 20$ or were banned falsely would you like an Admin to just say "What do you expect me to do asshole" And ignore you? You can sit there and say "Get a grip" but when he disrespects you, you'd be just as annoyed. & Yes you do ride his dick, look at your signature...

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