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Everything posted by Alkosor

  1. Haha, I meant that because I was only at 4 hp! (P.S.) You posted the same exact thing twice!
  2. If you were to post a screenshot of what you're actually seeing that would be lovely so, that way we can help identify your problem, and solve it professionally. If you're used to playing Runescape in fullscreen mode then you're out of luck. This is is an example of how your client should look in case you're unsure how it's supposed to appear on your monitor. ^ That's most likely what's wrong with your client, but you might of never played on a fixed client before. Please update us if you've found the solution to your problem ~Thanks in advance
  3. It defo. needs work, but I wouldn't discourage him to keep on trying :P. I can't say anything because I'm too lazy to actually participate
  4. You should've had him at 4:42, but Goodjob!
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