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Everything posted by Syphon

  1. Syphon


    Conc jumping and trickstabs only go so far fam. I don't like walking across the map, I'd rather jump and only have a shovel.
  2. Syphon


    Definitely man. Thanks!
  3. Syphon


    Hello, my name's Sky. 20 y/o IT. Managed a few rsps's back in the day, but decided to pick up this one for some nostalgia. Aside from this, I'm currently a rocket jumping teacher for TF2. It's something calming to do, dunno. But yeah, 'ello everyone.
  4. I've been messing around with it a bit and I'm starting to get the groove of things back. I certainly don't have the reaction time of a 15 year old anymore, I assume that's the average age of people on here typically. So I suppose that puts me at a disadvantage. But nostalgia is worth the struggles, haha.
  5. I've noticed a few spec combos that are bullshit op, and also a few of the people I've watched brid only do 4 ways. What are the gear restrictions? I've never gotten into tribridding unless it was a clan v clan scenario. I'll have to work on that.
  6. Hello Fellas. I'm pretty new to the server, I joined around two or so days ago. This is the first time I've played anything Runescape related for about three years, I used to be a pretty decent hybrid. I'm slowly working out the correct timing for ticks and combos, I'll probably start bridding again sometime soon when I work out the feel of things. I was curious though, is there any unofficial meta I'm going to need to know of? I've noticed a lot of bridders constantly using protection overheads, back when I actively bridded hardly anyone did that unless it was a clan mosh. If anyone's willing to help a newfag out, tips/tricks would be appreciated.
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